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Welcome to my domain . . .

:WARNING: This site is under constant, if sporadic, construction!

This is my special little place where I will eventually put many neat things. Check back!

Hey! It's been a while since I've been here, but I've been hatching a plan or two. I've been pretty busy these last several months. I've been engaged, un-engaged, and engaged again. My fiancee shaved his head. I started going to (YIKES!) therapy, because my beloved angst was making life unliveable. It's almost Halloween, and I'm paying homage to my alter ego, Tank Girl, with what I hope is a decent looking costume. You know, I've been living in Athens, GA for 3 years, and just now put it together that the infamous 40 Watt Club of Tanky t-shirt fame is the same 40 Watt Club down the street from me. How's that for distracted? Hopefully I'll have some fucking cool Halloween photos to put here for posterity.

PS: Tank Girl 1 is being re-released November 2002. Finally!!! Seeya soon!

The Magick Mirror

Tankland--My Tank Girl page
A fun Tank Girl site
The famous 40 Watt Club
Diana Savage's Art Page
Cool backgrounds and stuff
Draac's--tons of web tools & info
