$^ Christine's Harry Potter Shrine! ^ `

<font face=LUMOS> <body text="#FFCC00> Christine's Harry Potter Shrine! </font></font>

Christine's Harry Potter Shrine!

Character Pages

Dumbledore's Page

Harry's Page

Hermione's Page

Olivver's Page

Sirius' Page


Remus' Page



MY Story!

Personality Test Page


Christine's Harry Potter Page!


This site is dedicated to Harry Potter, the Books created by J.K. Rowling.

My Favorite Character from the Books is Sirius Black! And the Marauders are the Best!!! (except for Peter Pettigrew... *BOO HISS*) Remember to Check out the Sirius Page, plus all the Other Character Pages! ^_^

The Best character from the movie, Harry Potter and the Philsopher's Stone is Oliver Wood played by Sean Biggerstaff!! I didn't expect Oliver to look like that but Hey! it was a pleasant Surprise ~_^

Just so you know, this page is NO WHERE to being close to being finished so check back soon please!

May 18th, 2002 During the Last few days I have added more personality tests. Check them out!!! Also, I have added a Tanz der Vampire Page, but I am too lazy to add it too the links... so here it is... Tanz Der Vampire Page

April 26th, 2002 I added another link!!! its my karate club's webpage!!! check it out!!! Also, please sign the guest book with comments and suggestions!!! thanx!!!

April 17th, 2002 I've done nothing one this website since spring break.... @_@ o well!!!!

These are SOOO GREAT!!! just click on them to get more where they came from! ^_^

Questions or comments that you don't wanna stick in the guestbook? Email me!

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YAY! I found the snitch! YAYAY!

I adopted my Bob thing from bobsorules.tk. Groovy, isn't it?

This is Bob. Isn't he kool?