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Welcome To Divination 101

Hello and welcome to HOL Divination 101. A beginner's guide to divination. This class is for any student interested in the study of the magical art of predicting the future! In this class we will introduce our students to the various elements of divination including astrology, tarot cards, dream interpretation, palmistry, and Numerology. Our goal is to familiarize the students with the basic tools of divination so that they can go on to be master divinators!

Some of you may be curious as to what exactly the new picture is. It is in fact one of the two divination classrooms that the students have designed for us. This classroom was designed by Amaris King. The other classroom can be seen on the course outline section of the page. Thank you for everyone who drew for this project both Prof. Skylar and Prof. Loukya were very impressed with the results. Sincerely, Professors Maliah Skylar and Kyoko Loukya

Class Links

Class Rules
Class Roster
Biographies of your Professors
Class Outline
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Points Earned
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Six
