Paleyfest 2008, Buffy Reunion

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Here are the videos. If you have a problem with the viewer, just click on full screen, it should help.

The scoobies arrive

Clip of teenage Sarah Michelle on AMC

Talking about the season 8 comic books

Talking about the episode The Body

Talking about how evil the writers are and OMWF

Amber talks about Tara and Willow

Sarah talks about the themes of the show

They answer a fan's question: what is your favorite movie and what's on your ipod

Same question...

Sarah talks about playing the Buffy bot

The cast talks about not getting emmys

Emma tells us why she did such a good job with the "fruit punch" monologue

I know how incredibly lucky I am to have had the chance to attend this event, and that most of you weren't so lucky. Not everybody had the time, or money to get a ticket and--let's face it--every single Buffy fan out there wanted to go so it made it really difficult. I'm making this page not to brag, but to share with you guys. This way you won't feel like you missed everything. I know it's not like actually being there, but it's the next best thing.

I won't walk you through the whole day minute by minute because that would be kinda boring. I got there at 12pm, and the day would have been horribly long but I was lucky enough to meet amazing people and have interesting conversations all day. I don't know what I would have done without them because seriously... my book was really boring. The good thing about Buffy fans is that when we get together, everybody is happy, friendly and having a good time.

OK, moving on to the actual event. I managed to get a great seat, but it was still hard to take good pictures because we couldn't use a flash. So you'll have to forgive me, some of the pictures are blurry. Despite that, I think I did pretty good. I have a couple of really good ones, including one of Sarah Michelle signing autographs.

They started by showing us a clip of Sarah when she was on All My Children. That was great because I had never seen her on the show. Then a little presentation on Mr. Paley, followed by a presentation of Once More with Feelings. I hadn't watched it in a long time, so it was nice, especially on a giant movie screen. I was really surprised that nobody sang lol. I saw it twice at conventions and everybody sang. Anyway.

Then they introduced everybody. Before the good part, I just gotta say this. My second reason to go was Eliza Dushku and she didn't show up. Neither did Alyson (her, I wasn't so surprised) I was disappointed. But for those of you who know me, you'll have a good laugh. You know who they sent us instead? Marti FREAKIN Noxon. Or, as I call her: The-evil-bitca-who-ruined-season-six-and-should-rot-in-hell (and if you didn't know how much I hate her and need a longer explanation don't hesitate to email me, it will be my pleasure to explain :::evil smirk:::) So, no need to say... I was PISSED. I did a pretty good job at editing the depressing emo bitca out of all the pictures though :D I'm proud of myself. I almost had a heart attack when she said she was working on Grey's Anatomy. I thought she was going to ruin another one of my shows. But then she added "spinoff" and I relaxed because I don't really care about Private Practice. For all I care, Marti can get give Addison a depression, get her addicted to whatever, get her almost rapped, attempted suicide... all the nice things she likes so much. As long as she doesn't touch Grey's Anatomy. That's sacred.

Oookay, so not the place for my little vendetta against Marti Noxon lol sorry :::blushes:::

So the line up was:
David Greenwalt
Amber Benson
Seth Green
Charisma Carpenter
Marti Noxon
Michelle Trachtenberg
Emma Caulfield
James Marsters
Nick Brendon
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Joss Whedon

They all looked amazing (not too crazy about James' hair though, but hey, he's still sexy lol) And I was so excited to see Sarah. I think I only realized she was really there and I wasn't just watching her on TV fifteen minutes later lol. She was so pretty, she looked like Barbie :)

I felt a little bad for Charisma and Seth during the first part because the moderator asked long questions about Once More with Feelings and The Body, and they were not part of these seasons. Of course, Seth with his great sense of humor managed to make a few jokes, but Charisma didn't say a work for the longest time. It was really interesting though. Most of the stuff I had already heard before during Q&As at conventions, but other things I didn't know about. Sarah talked a lot about what it was like shooting The Body. Emma told a funny story that I'm gonna have to tell you here because half way through her story, I realized I wasn't filming. She said she had an "Anya" moment once with a fan. The fan walked up to her and complimented her acting, saying how fabulous she was when she did that "fruit punch" monologue in The Body and how she cries every time she watches it. And then she asked how she prepared for that scene and Emma answered: I needed to pee. But it's really funny because she looks really embarrassed and guilty when she's telling us the story because she thinks she destroyed the fan's opinion of her acting. And she said it was one of those moments when the more you talk, the more you should shut up, but you can't stop yourself. And she's there explaining to that poor woman that she was hungry, tired, and needed to pee, but the scene was never good enough. And at one point, she was in so much pain that she started to cry and did the scene really fast so she could go. The woman just said "Uh... thanks" took her autograph and walked away. By the time she finished her story, we were all laughing so hard!

I'm trying really hard to remember everything, but thank God I have all these videos because I can't. What's sad is that I remember the jokes better than I remember the serious discussions. They made fun of Sarah and her hatred of Susan Luci, but I got that on one of the videos. Michelle complained that it was just like when she was 14 and nobody was listening to her. Seth said Nick was the only person in his "five" on his cell phone. They talked about not winning emmys and Nick joked that he built a trophy case and sold it on Ebay... empty.

The ones who talked the most are Joss, Sarah, James and Michelle. The ones who joked the most are Nick and Seth. The other ones were really quiet. Especially Charisma. She did answer a question (I guess the moderator felt bad for her) He asked her if she had any hesitations making the switch from Buffy to Angel. She said that she did but said that Joss told her they couldn't do Angel without her and told her that she would always have a net to fall back in case it didn't work: Buffy. She looked a bit emotional when she said that and everybody applauded.

They asked Amber if she knew when they hired her that her character and Willow would become lesbian lovers and she said she had no clue. I got that on video too.

They talked about the season 8 comics and Sarah said she'd only found out five minutes ago that Buffy had a lesbian experience. Apparently, nobody on the cast read the comics. Michelle found out that she was now a giant and laughed. Someone asked if Oz would come back in the comic and Joss said:"without a doubt". We were all very happy about that.

When asked if they'd be willing to do another Buffy project, they did a really good job at not answering... to the point where the moderator finally stopped them saying "I guess that's a no" It looked uncomfortable for the cast.

Another slightly uncomfortable moment is at the end, when the moderator asked them to tell us what they were working on at the moment. I mean... it was all Jim and dandy at first. Joss is working on some movie. He didn't say anything about Dollhouse, which worried me a bit, but I'm sure it's still in the works. Sarah said she had movies coming up. James had Smallville, Torchwood, Dragonballs and his third CD. I don't remember what Nick said but whatever. Michelle was talking about Gossip Girl, and two other movies she has that are coming out soon with great actors in them. Emma only said "I have two movies coming out" but didn't go into details. But then... Charisma, Seth and Amber had nothing. Thank God Seth saved the day. He answered for Charisma saying that she was making a work out video with him, a mix between taebo and strip aerobics that looked like your were stripping and fighting at the same time and that Amber was editing it. At least everybody laughed so it wasn't too awkward. Even Charisma cracked a smile. Amber did say she was working on a series of books.

Then it was the Q&A. It wasn't great. The first guy asked a stupid question that required a looong answer so it took up all the time. He asked them what their favorite movie is at the moment and what they have on their ipod. Nothing to do with the show. I think it took half an hour just to answer that question. Sarah made everyone laugh by saying that her favorite movie was South Park. And she looked serious too lol. The other ones went on and on. Damn, I can't even rememeber what the questions were. The problem with Buffy fans is that they absolutely MUST ramble on about how the show changed their lives and all that. I understand that because it's true for me too and I wish I could tell Joss that, but there wasn't much time for the Q&A so that sucked. They had time for four or five questions. The good thing is that when one of the guys started saying that, Sarah looked almost surprised... as if she didn't fully realize until then just how much the show helped some of us through difficult times. Probably a part of her thought we should all just move on and it's just a show, but to hear someone tell her face to face how lonely and awkward they were in high school and how watching Buffy every week helped them realize that they were not alone and everybody, even the hot cheerleader, feels that way... Yeah, she looked like she got it.

The autograph session was a mess. They obviously had no idea what kind of fans they were dealing with and how crazy things could get. I mean, it's one thing to tell fans of some show like Friday night lights or Chuck to rush the stage to get autographs, but you don't do that with Buffy fans. We're nut! I almost got crushed to death. All I cared about was to get Sarah's autograph. Normally, I'm not the type of person to push my way through a crowd to get a signature on a piece of paper. I would just have said "screw this" and walked away. But meeting Sarah Michelle has been my dream since I was a teenager, so I tried. And almost made it. She was reaching to grab the picture I was handing her when this eighty year old man put his hand on my face and pushed me until I almost fell. Seeing that things were getting too out of control and someone might get hurt, she turned around and left. I was so disappointed I was shaking. But I wasn't out of the woods. I was surrounded by warm bodies, pushing me in every directions, I couldn't even feel the ground beneath my feet anymore and I was hyperventilating. I seriously worried that I might start screaming... or faint. Instead I freaked out and started pushing people while saying "Get the f*ck out of my way!" until I finally wasn't trapped anymore. Yep, full blown panic attack. I'm not proud. I managed to calm down enough to ask Joss to autograph my well worn copy of Serenity. I even collected myself long enough to be able to tell him it's my favorite movie. He looked around with a big goofy smile and said "Hey! I made that!" lol

So... that's it folks. Fun fun fun.

Oh, and I saw the eighty year old man outside and they only reason I didn't walk up to him and beat his ass down is because... well... he was old and I didn't want to end up in jail.

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

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