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Hawthorn's Nest

Merry meet!

Wicca is not a religion where sacrifices are made. It is a non-harmful religion, unless worshipping the ground is bad?

I'm really just beginning, but I do know some things. If you'd like to email me, I might be able to answer some questions.

Well, some of you are totally clueless, right? Well, I know I was. Mixed emotions as well. Frustration mainly. Well, don't worry. You'll get it sooner or later!

There is much to learn about the wiccan/pagan religion. First off, you need to decide what path you want to take. There are a whole bunch. I'm mainly on the Egyptian path, meaning I worship (mainly) the Egyptian Deities.
*** a deity is a spirit (i think... lol)

Next, you'll need to find a name. That's not a required thing, but it's fun. =) There are a few different ways to find your name. A lot of people write down things that represent themselves, and decide from that. Some meditate in front of a candle, and some just plain and simple ask the God/Goddess for a name. You decide.

What about tools? There are literally hundreds of different things you can use. The main ones are the Athame. A ritual knife that has a double blade. Some states do not allow them, so I spose a single blade is OK. Candles. Well, those are self explainitory. Used for meditation and rituals. Pentagram. The 5 pointed star.

I will be adding more information as I go along. Just bear with me. I'm beginning! If you have information for me, EMAIL ME and I'll add it with your name, if you want.


Witchvox ... Helpful Info For Wiccans and Pagans
Amy Brown Art ... Faerie and Dragon images
Pagan Villages ... More Info about different kinds of Wicca/Paganism/Shamanism ...
Isis Books ... Wiccan/Pagan things for sale
