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Name: Carl

Nickname: Fronzel Neekbum

Homebase: He's locked away in Purdue for six years, less with good behavior.

How we met: I followed Amy back to her room; lo and behold, she had a Carl.

How we became friends: Mutual companions which led us to notice we appreciated some similiar things. For example, the idea of koolaid combined with Spaghetti. (We mentally disturbed need to eat too.)

Most important use: A bringer of insanity.

Why he likes me: On crack

Description: Carl is a chemist who likes to blow up things. The fact that this campus is still in one piece is a bit surprising.

Random fact: Decided once it was a good idea to clean his fraternity house bathroom with acid. He takes all finals in pjs and sometimes with lighted candles. Those are just the ones that come to mind at the moment.. there are many many more.

On going battle: Created the evilness that is Yeeeipong in a scrabble game. (Which was allowed due to a coin flip.) For this he is a sworn enemy.

Status: Coupled with a Monica