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Slay Lingo

I just started this section and I won't be completley finshed for a while. I'm going through the transcript of every episode looking for buffy-slang. I'm finished all of season one and working on two so check back for more fun phrases!


All-You-Can-Eat Moron Bar- a large group of people who want to be changed into vampires


Bail- to leave
Belle of the Ball- center of attention
Bent- a messed up/ridiculous idea
Big Dog- imporant person
Bitca- a bitch, someone who is not nice
Book- leave, ie. Guys, I gotta book! Bye!
Boyfriendly- someone who could be a boyfriend
Brainsick- when you can't think straight
Bust- unsuccessful


Cringeworthy- something gross, something that would make you cringe
Cryptic Guy- someone who is vauge, ie. Angel
Creep Factor- a factor of how scary something is
Chocolatey goodness- anything involoving a chocolate bar
Color Me (insert word here)- someone feels like the inserted word, ie. color me bored


Dateville- where dates occur, with romance, flowers and lips
Dead Boy- Xanders nickname for Angel
Deal- problem, ie. whats your deal?
Decaf land- a metaphorical place where people are not high-strung
Dig This- listen to this
Dish- beautiful, very sexy
Dogly- ugly, unattractive
Doltishness- to behave like a dolt, stupidness
Dread Machine- Giles' definition of a computer


Evita-Like- a self-centered prima donna


Faboo- fabulous
Fang Gang- group of vampires
Flake- to be absentminded and forget about a previous engagment ie. He totally flaked on me!
Fluffy Bunny Feelings - good, happy feelings
Flying Fatality- death by a crossbow
Font of Nothing- not helpful, unkknown
Fuddy-Duddy- stuffy person
Full-On Exorcist twist- when someone turns their head around 180 degrees


Game Face- a vampires demonic face
Gene & Roger- constructice criticism, advice


Hijinks- fun times
Hokey- cheesy, stupid
Honey- good looking boy
Hyperaware- to be extremely aware of someone/thing around you


Ick factor- factor of how gross something is


I don't have any "J" words yet, sorry!


Kaplooey- when something explodes or malfunctions
Keyser Sozed- tricked, the real bad guy is under your nose the whole time
Kiss of Death- have a nice summer


Loony Fringe- someone who is partly crazy
Lunchable- good looking


Mathier- for math to have even more math
Mental- crazy person
Miffed- angry
Mr. Flawless Plan Guy- someone who's plan has no holes or problems


Nasty, pointy, bitey ones- vampires
'Net girl- willow, because of her computer knowledge
No Big- short for no big deal
Non-Moron- someone who is not a moron


Owenosity- something only Owen has
Oafishness- someone's klutzy behavior
Off-The-Chart Smart- extremely intelligent


Pointy- not pintless, ie. This isn't pointless, it's entirely pointy!
Power Circle- done before talent shows to get everybody "revved up"
Primo- very good, high quality
Pysched- excited
Pyscho Looney- crazy person


I don't have any "Q" words yet, sorry!


Research Boy- a male who has done research


Salty Goodness- cute boy
Scare-apalooza- when many creepy creatures come to be scary
Scully- (refrence to x-files) when someone doesn't beleive a theory on the supernatural
Share mode- telling every little secret
Sitch, The- the situation, what's going on
Slayage- to slay vampire on a regular basis, ie. it's all part of the glamourous world of vampire slayage
Slayertte-someone who assists the slayer
Smoochies- kisses
Social Leper Colony- uncool people, losers
Softer Side of Sears- nerdy clothes
Soylent Green- bad tasting cafeteria food that resembles kale or string cheese
Spaz- crazy, wild
Spider Sense- (refrence to Spider Man) slayers natural intuition
Suckfest- when many vampires feed at one time, ie. the harvest


Take a pill- calm down
Thundering Looney- really crazy person
Tingly- good feeling someone feels when around a certain someone, usually associated with romance
Technopagan- a witch who works using the internet
Twinkie Defense- wimpy/bad defense


Uber-suck- extremely sucky, bad
Un-budger- someone who refuses to change their mind
Undead american- a less offensive term for a vampire
Unruffled- to be unafraid of something


Vampire Meals On Wheels- the monthly delivery of blood to the hospital
Vampirey- something with vampires involved


Wacky, the- crazy stuff
Wiggins- scary/freaky feeling
Wig- get extremely upset


I don't have any "X" words yet, sorry!


Yawner- boring, not busy
Yen- a strong desire for something
Yester- something from yesterday, dated ie. that problem is so yester
Yoda- someone you look up to and/or learn from


I don't have any "Z" words yet, sorry!

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