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Darla, as a human, was a prostitute who was dying of a syphilitic heart condition. The Master came to her disguised as a preist and changed her. She met Angel in an alleyway in the 1700's and turned him. The two were a viscious couple, killing anything they saw for the pleasure of it for 150 years. It was Darla who brought Angel the cursed gypsy girl. She returned to Sunnydale in hopes of returning Angel to his evil self. She fed off Buffys mother Joyce and framed Angel for it hoping that Angel would return back to his old self. She was wrong, and Angel staked her for her troubles.
We thought that would be the end of Darla, but the lawfirm Wolfram and Hart did a spell to bring her back as a human. Darla did come back but she still had her terminal illness. She tried become a vampire again but Angel (and her soul) convinced her to stay human. But that was before Drusilla showed up and changed Darla back. Angel and (bad)Darla had a night of passion that left Darla pregnant. Gasp. Ok, vampires aren't supposed to have little vamps. Anyhow, Darla returns 8 and 3/4 months later, extremely pregnant and looking for daddy. She's behaving differently though. The baby's soul was affecting her and making her have feelings. She ended up staking herself to safe the life of the baby.


Darla: What do you want?
Angel: I want it finished!
Darla: That's good...You're hurting me. (smiles) That's good, too.

Darla: You don't think I came alone, do you?
Buffy: I know I didn't.
She kicks the bow up into her hands and aims it at Darla.
Darla: Hmm, scary.
She produces two pistols from behind her back, one in each hand.
Darla: Scarier

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Site Owned By: Lisa