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Great Southern Land





Barbara's friends


These are some of the musicians, composers, singers and arrangers who have contributed to turning Barbara's lyrics into songs.

Click on the artist's name to jump ahead to their introduction on this page.

[Lani Calderon] [Percy & Alma] [Eddie Chow] [Ivonne Atmojo] [KLBC kids] [Timothy Lee] [Sophia Manusama] [Ashley Muk]

[Ng Wah Lok] [Peter Ng Yee Ming] [the Rebanos] [Alan Tan] [Benjamin Thorn] [Eleanor Tipping]

[Jedidiah Wong] [Jonathon Wong]





Ivonne Atmojo

A highly professional musician, jazz singer and music director, Ivonne encouraged Barbara to record some of her music with the Jakarta International Community Choir in 2007. A prolific artiste, check out Ivonne's accomplishments through her web site.


Lani Calderon

A pleasure to work with on the Favoured Chick album, Lani provided the lead vocals for Mount the Cherubim as well as some backup vocals on a few other tracks. She loves to sing and served God in KL in a music ministry participating in a choir and the Singing Ambassadors musicals through the Kuala Lumpur Baptist Church. She has since returned to her homeland in the Phillipines. Always with an infectious smile on her delightful face, lovely Phillipino Lani shares the joy of her faith with enthusiasm and modesty.


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Percibal and Alma Caranto


Husband and wife team from the Phillipines, Percy and Alma have made a ministry of their music and singing gifts and regularly tour South East Asia with their songs.

Lead vocalist on In His Mighty Hands and Messiah King, Percy also provided backup vocals on several other tracks on the Favoured Chick album (particularly Harvest of the Field). [Click to read Percy's testimony.]

Alma is lead vocalist for Implicitly and provided backup on Immanuel Waltz on the Favoured Chick album.





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Eddie Chow

Producer of demo CD of the song "You Keep my Feet from Falling". Excited musician and arranger with strong inclinations towards the modernisation and commercialisation of contemporary Christian music, Eddie's work exhibits Chinese and Western influences. He can be contacted at his 'EastWest Productions' studio in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


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The team of kids from Kuala Lumpur Baptist Church who sang with Birds and Bees with Barbara for the Favoured Chick Album. Michelle Ng, at 9, was a quiet and responsible girl with simple wishes. She has since moved to Australia. Marcus Khaw, at 9, was renown for his favourite food being chicken rice. Nicholas Khaw, at 12, was KLBC’s Praisekids drummer.   And Calvin Choong, age 8, loved to spend his  time singing and dancing. (Children's ages as in 2003, at time of recording.)


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Timothy Lee

A professional, a gentleman and a perfectionist, Timothy is the super fast producer, arranger and mixer of the Great Southern Land Worship December 2002 5-track demo CD Messiah King and the music arranger producer of Barbara's 2003 14-track album Favoured Chick. G.SUS Studio, 75 Jln Maju 2/6, Taman Lembah Maju, Cheras, 56100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, tel 60 3 42958061, email Visit Tim's new web site: GSUS


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Sophia Manusama

Accomplished pianist and the product of well-known Indonesian artist father and talented pianist mother, Sophia turned her hand to composition at Barbara's request, and found she had a talent for interpreting lyrics into music. With a definite jazz leaning, Sophia wrote the music for such songs as "Rain or Shine", "A Holy Birth", "When", "YOU ARE", "A Glass of Wine with Jesus" and "God Not Afar". She is also the composer of that cheerful dedication to Barbara's daughter Eleanor: "La La in Her Smile". Sophia teaches piano in Jakarta.

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Ashley Muk

Ashley provided backup vocals in several of the tracks on the Favoured Chick album (particularly Christmas Lullaby) and is the lead vocalist on the lively Mediterranean-style song Hosanna Blessed. Ashley plays keyboard and guitar and sings with a pure, sweet soprano voice. She is writing her own songs and hosts her own internet radio show. She has graduated from Hillsong in Sydney and now plays a key worship director role at the Kuala Lumpur Baptist Church. Send a supportive email to Ashley.


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Pastor Ng Wah Lok 

Malaysia's most prominent modern day Christian song writer, renown for "Every Time I Pray" and "Approved in Every Way" and passionate about local contributions to the international Christian music scene. Pastor Wah Lok has craftily and sensitively composed the music to some of Barbara's lyrics (including "Messiah King", "Birds and Bees", "The Thunder of His Power", "In His Mighty Hand" , "Immanuel Waltz", "For You Jerusalem", and "Terracotta Toes") and his enthusiasm has been infectious! See his web site Tabernacle Music.




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Peter Ng Yee Ming

Peter sang the leading vocals for the title song Messiah King and Star on a Hill on the 2002 demo CD Messiah King and provided backup vocals for Messiah King, Hosanna Blessed and In His Mighty Hand on the 2003 Favoured Chick album. Peter and family have emigrated from Kuala Lumpur and now call Melbourne home. Always ready to serve the Lord tirelessly and cheerfully. Email Peter and he's sure to send you an encouraging response.


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Willy David Rebano and Maria Angela Esther Rebano

Particularly featured in the sophisticated jazz song Lighthouse on the 2003 Favoured Chick album, Esther is the owner of the golden voice and Willy played piano and strings.




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Alan Tan

Alan is the lead vocalist on the Favoured Chick album for the Psalm 23 inspired song Valleys Low.


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Benjamin Thorn

Benjamin Thorn composed all the amazing music for the songs in the musical "Then the Angels Wept" and the anthem 'Great Southern Land". Possibly eccentric and elusive, Benjamin has only one photo of himself in the public domain!

Photograph of Benjamin Thorn

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Eleanor Tipping

The inspiration behind the song La La in Her Smile, Eleanor is Barbara's second child. She was almost 9 years old when she sang the back up vocals on her song on the Soular Eclipse album. Vivacious Elea loves panda bears, the colour blue and listening to music. Hear from Elea on her page...


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Jedidiah Wong

A talented musician, Jedi played acoustic guitar on the Favoured Chick album for the songs Hosanna Blessed, Messiah King, Implicitly, Birds and Bees,  and Immanuel Waltz as well as electric guitar for on the tracks Hosanna Blessed, Immanuel Waltz, Mount the Cherubim, Harvest of the Field, and In His Mighty Hand. Jedi also takes the credit as the album's mixing engineer.


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Jonathan Wong

A cheerful, humble musician and student of audio production Jonathan produces original thoughtful Christian songs placing traditional teaching in contemporary contexts. He has worked on setting to music some of Barbara's lyrics. Email Jonathan and encourage him in his ministry.


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Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 24 August, 2008 .