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My Grimoire
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With the understanding that I am eclectic you may find use of my tools and knowledge in my compilation. Many of the spells and practices here have been taken from various public sources and edited to my needs. Although these practices work quite well for me, I am in no way, shape, or form saying they are necessarily right for you. Everyone is different, and believes differently, practices differently, and lives differently. Some of these resources may be helpful but I make no promises. By entering into my Grimoire you must understand that I take no responsibility for other peoples usage of my practices for they are my own. 

Many believe that there is in fact, a rule of 3, where what you send out, comes back times three. I do believe that to a certain extent. I also believe that understanding consequences prior to acting is essential for any witch or magick practitioner.  Many say that they are a "white witch" or that they practice "black magick"  I do not believe in either of those as magick is all colors.  The intent of the user or participants is what determines when magick is positive or negative. Magick users, in my opinion, are all colors, just as the goddess angers she also heals.

I encourage you to read my practices in hopes that you may find knowledge and use of them of a practical and safe nature. Blessed Be.


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