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JC watched in horror as the two supernatural beings in front of him began to fight. It was more vicious than anything he had ever seen, in movies or on tv. What made it worse, was that he happened to be in love with one of those fighting beings. Jenna attempted to strike, fangs out to their full length, but was swatted away onto her back. It was all JC could do to keep himself from running over to her.

Suddenly, while Jenna was looking in the other direction, someone grabbed JC’s arms and held then behind him, pulling him away from the fight zone. He struggled and kicked, trying to get whomever it was away from him, but it was to no avail. They got over to the area where JC and Jenna had been sitting before, and the guy let go of JC and pushed him onto the floor. JC tried to get up, but a sudden dizzyness spread throughout his body, and he found himself unable to flinch, none the less stand.

The man stood over him, concentrating hard. JC looked up at him, his dizzyness covered by the look of intense anger plastered on his face. The man just concentrated harder, and soon JC slumped over, awake but not all there.

“You wanna date a vampire?” the man asked, mockingly, “Then we’ll make you one. How’s that?” he said, not really asking.

JC looked up, and managed to mutter “Go to Hell.” The man just laughed, and bit JC’s neck, obviously enjoying his feeding. -`Jenna, please, help me,’- he thought, trying to send her a thought, knowing it wouldn’t work.

Just when he thought he would die from the weakness in his body, the man lifted his head. He took out a knife, and grinned. “Now,” he said, cutting his wrist, “It’s your turn.” He started concentrating again, and as much as JC didn’t want to, he found himself drinking anyway. The man took his arm away, and pulled JC into the shade. “Enjoy your death, it will only last a few minutes.”

As the alarm bells went off in JC’s head, he suddenly found he couldn’t breath. It was as if he was having a heart-attack, and he grabbed his chest as he fell into the darkness around him.