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“Hurry up and go, girl. I hate good-byes,” Logan joked as he, Jenna, Alec, and Caitlin entered JFK International airport. Jenna was an hour early for her flight to Raleigh, North Carolina to meet up with her boyfriend, JC Chasez, and the rest of *NSYNC. She was ecstatic.

“Boy, how can I hurry up, when my flight’s in an hour?” Jenna replied, pretending to be angry.

As Logan shrugged, Alec leaned over and whispered in Jenna’s ear “It’s easy, just turn into a bat!” Jenna started laughing hysterically, knowing fully well that that was pretty much impossible, vampire or not.

Caitlin was staying pretty quiet, which was very unusual for her. Jenna tried to probe into her mind, but the animal blood she had been feeding on didn’t give her powers the strength to do so. Eventually, she gave up, and dismissed Caitlin’s silence for jealousy.


Right before she had to go, Alec pulled her aside. “You know, I’m proud of you,” her told her, pulling her into a hug, “I never thought you had it in you.”

Jenna took a step back, out of his embrace. “Had what in me?”

Alec laughed to himself. “The guts to do this.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, totally confused. “The guts to do what?”

“To prey on celebrities like this. I never thought your powers were this strong, nor did I think your talents were this good.”

Jenna got angry. “What?” she practically yelled, “I’m not using my powers! Hard as it may be to believe, I love JC.” Her eyes were flashing. “And he loves me,” she added, just to be careful.

Alec didn’t get it. “Oh yeah, I forgot, there’s people around.” He was smiling, happily oblivious. He stroked her cheek, and told her “When you’re through with him and his ‘boy-toy’ friends, I’ll be waiting for you.”

Jenna looked into his eyes, and leaned closer. “Alec?” she said, lovingly.

“Yes?” he replied, expecting a kiss.

Jenna slapped Alec as hard as she could, using all her super-human strength. “You, are the biggest jerk I’ve ever met! Don’t you ever talk about my boyfriend or my friends like that again! And don’t you ever get that fresh with me, I’m happy in my current relationship!” She left him there, angry and rubbing his sore face.


She got back over to Logan and Caitlin, and pretended like nothing happened. She was very acutely aware of Alec’s cold glaring, but she didn’t give a damn about him. She hugged Logan and Caitlin, and waved as she walked down the jet-way and onto the plane.

Once they were in the air, she relaxed a little. -’The nerve! Did he honestly believe what he said?’- she thought. She had always thought Alec was more sensitive than that.

She decided to forget about him, and she put on her headphones. She soon fell asleep to the sweet sound of JC’s voice singing “For The Girl Who Has Everything”.


She woke up right before the plane was due to land, and she couldn’t contain her excitement. -’5 more minutes, and I’ll be home!’- she thought, smiling at the thought of being back in JC’s arms.

When she got off the plane, she practically flew down the jet-way, and there he was. JC was standing there, waiting for her.