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The next night, they were in Oakland, at the Network Associates Coliseum. Jenna was tense the whole day, expecting another incident. But nothing happened, and that made Jenna even more nervous. She could feel that something was going to happen. Soon.


A few days later, in Portland, Jenna was still uptight. JC was, too, but not as bad as Jenna. Jenna could almost smell the disaster coming.

Right after lunch, they went out to play basketball, like they did everyday. JC and Jenna played for a bit, but then they and Lance decided to take a walk. They walked for about an hour around that night’s venue, when once again they found themselves face to face with Caitlin.

Jenna growled. “Now what?” she asked her former best friend.

Caitlin just snarled, morphing into her half form. Jenna looked then at Lance. Poor Lance had turned pale as a ghost, and he muttered “Holy shit.”

-’It’ll be okay, don’t freak out,’- Jenna sent him, and he looked at her and nodded slightly.

Suddenly, Caitlin laughed. “Awww... is the little human scared? Poor thing.” She looked at JC, then looked back at Jenna. “You know, he’s much more attractive this way. He has that delicious evilness I look for in a guy,” she paused for affect, then finished, “Jenna, you should’ve known better.”

Jenna was confused. “Should’ve known better than to what?” she hissed, not believing how well she was hiding her fear.

Caitlin’s narrowed into evil slits. “You should’ve known better than to take what I had claimed.”

“What the Hell are you talking about? What had you claimed?”


Jenna was in disbelief. “In all the time we were friends, the only guy you ever talked about was Brian Littrell. What gives you the right...”

Caitlin interrupted her. “I had all the right in the world, because you always said you didn’t have a favorite. It doesn’t matter now, I’m going to kill you anyways.”

“Over my dead body!” JC exclaimed, startling Caitlin.

Caitlin grinned, looking ore and more evil by the second. “You know, that can be arranged.” She made a beckoning motion, and Alec appeared next to her.

Jenna was shocked. “Oh, no. No no no.”

“Oh yes,” Alec answered. “Who else would’ve known where you were? I took Logan’s copy of your schedule.” He paused to size up JC. “I did a good job, didn’t I? Or should I say, the doctor did a nice job.”

Things clicked in Jenna’s head. “ did it?” Her eyes filled. “Why did you guys do this to me? I always thought we were friends.”

Caitlin took over control of the situation. “Ha! You were always the hottest girl in school, and I was always around you. Guys would hook up with me because I would get them near you. It was great! I loved the attention. But, you see, I was a bit hurt when you felt you couldn’t tell me your secret. I had actually grown to like you, and was proud to be your friend. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Jenna’s tears disappeared as JC took her hand. “I could tell that you weren’t the tolerant kind. I knew you would try to hurt me, maybe even stake me. And I was right, wasn’t I?”

Caitlin’s bravado dropped for a second. But she was able to repair her front as she continued. “I...I don’t know. But now, I’m definitly going to.” She pulled out a long wooden stake from the bag she had slung around her shoulder, and after waiting only a split second, she lunged at Jenna.