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Chapter 6

When Lance got back to Joey’s house, where the guys were staying, he walked into a cloud of anger. JC, Chris, and Joey were sitting there, angry with Nicole, furious with Robyn, and wondering why Lance wasn’t upset.

Lance took a deep breath, and began. “Justin told you what happened?” Everyone nodded. “Well, what he probably didn’t tell you is that there’s fault on his part, too. He promised to listen to all she had to say, and never let her explain.” Chris snorted, as if to say “What could she have said?”. Lance glared at him, shutting him up. “I just spent the last hour and a half comforting my girlfriends best friend, someone who I thought was a good friend to all of us,” he continued.

JC was glaring at Lance in disbelief. He didn’t think anything could pardon Robyn, after she had hurt his best friend, as well as lying to everyone. Lance glared back, ready to defend Robyn. “Trust me,” he said, slightly annoyed by how closed minded they were being, “When I say she had a damned good reason for not telling us she knew.”

“Well? What is it?” Chris challenged, not really thinking her reason could possibly be very good.

Lance told them everything Robyn had told him. As he spoke, the faces of the other guys gradually softened, their anger disappearing. When he was finished, Chris let out a low whistle. “Wow. She really did have a good reason. She must be one of our most sincere, true fans,” Joey spoke after a minute of stunned silence, “Justin should have kept his promise. He needs to know this, as much if not more than we did.”

“There’s nothing we can do until tomorrow. I told her she needs to try and tell him, that this is too personal for him to hear from me first. If he loves her as much as I think he does, he’ll listen, and forgive her.” Lance remarked, concluding the conversation. “Now, I’m going to bed. See y’all in the morning.” Everyone liked the idea, and dispersed, each going to his separate sleeping area.


Robyn couldn’t sleep. Images of Justin kept floating through her head. Every time something touched her lips, even her pillow, she thought of the kisses they had shared when they thought no one was looking. She cried until 4 in the morning, when she finally fell asleep.

Nicole had trouble sleeping, too. She hoped her confession didn’t cause Lance to doubt her love, or loyalty. She loved him more than life itself already, and she prayed that he loved her, even half as much. When she finally fell asleep, she dreamt of their first kiss. It replayed over and over in her dreams all night long.