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Chapter 13

Justin and Lance were going over their plans with Lonnie, the head of their security team. They needed to make sure everything would run smooth. They hoped it would be a big night for both of them.

As they prepared to go on stage, Justin and Lance smiled at each other, and wished each other luck. They were as ready as they were going to get, and they both hoped that Nicole and Robyn would give them the right answers.

“C’mon y’all, let’s rock this house!” Chris yelled, and winked at Justin and Lance. “Let’s go!”


The performance was incredible. This particular show was full of surprises, and the biggest one was about to come.

“Right now, Justin and Lance have something rather personal they would like to say, to two very special audience members,” JC announced. Lonnie then instructed both Nicole and Robyn to hop over the barrier.

“This seems oddly familiar,” Nicole whispered to Robyn as they were climbing. “I hope so,” Robyn said, her hopes way up. When they finally got over, Justin and Lance hopped down off the stage. It was time.

Lance nodded to Justin, telling him to go first. Justin took a deep breath, and began. “Robyn, I’m so sorry I treated you like such a jerk. I regret not listening to you in the first place. Chris told me everything.” He paused to catch his breath. The audience was silent. Justin was purposely talking into his microphone. “I’m sorry I treated you like that. I loved you, and I still do love you. That’s why your confession hurt so much. But, that doesn’t excuse me not listening to your reasons. Can you forgive me?”

Robyn looked deep into Justin’s gorgeous blue eyes. “Of course I forgive you. It’s my fault too. I should have told you when we met. I love you so much Justin, I really missed you.” Justin pulled Robyn into a sweet embrace, nodded to Lance, then pulled away. He still had one more thing to say.

Lance looked into Nicole’s chocolate brown eyes. It was now or never. “Nicci, I love you so much. I want you with me forever.” He and Justin got down on one knee, and took a velvet box out of their pockets, and said, in unison, “Baby, will you marry me?”

Robyn and Nicole exchanged glances. Then they replied, also in unison, “Sweetie, of course I will!” They kissed their new fiancés. Everything was finally all right again.