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† Lighting luminates the sky, followed by a tremendous clap of thunder. The land that surrouds you is dark and the air choked with a thick layer of dust. A blanket of thick, purple-black clouds roll in, heavy with the prospect of oncoming rain. As quickly as they arrived, the first of the droplets pelt down at you, stinging your face. Within a few minutes your coat is sleek and wet, water dripping from your muzzle. You raise your head, gazing about, trying to see any evidence of life, or any of the land's history....

Twin auditories prick and trace the sound of a shrill scream. Moved by this single sound, you pick up a cautious trot. Another flash of lighting streaks through the sky, illuminating the area and the source of the chilling utterance. Your eyelids pull back at the horrific sight of two others; one, a muscular dapple, rearing and snapping out at a lithe unicorn. She tears at the unicorn's neck, razor incisors ripping into vulnerable flesh. Nares flare with a loud exhalation, the crimson lining gleaming in the darkness. The unicorn then rears, fighting off the other, her ivory horn sending out a saphire glow. The cuts of their muscles are easily identifyable beneath their sleek coats. In the distance, a stocky blood bay mare stands, crown shook in disgust. Mug is raised toward the sky, her sweet voice carrying to the others in an attempt to stop their fighting. Petal-thin nares quiver when she catches your scent, and shaking dial once more, she eyes you...

At the other's sudden awareness the two muliebrals stop battling, necks stretched with their efforts to make out your form in the darkness. The dappled grey snorts, and cranium tossed, silvery tresses bouncing upon her neck. She paws at the ground, scythes scraping a large indention into the moist ground beneath her. Her icy gaze upon you sends the hair on the ridge of your spine standing on end, and a cold fire ignites in the depths of her endless zephyrs. She snorts once more, pistons lifting her silver, slender chassis into a canter toward you. Once a few feet from you she skids to a stop, her neck arched proudly. Pinning lobes against crown she speaks, her voice gripping your mind with icy fingers. †

"My name is Running Destiny. I am the Leader of the Dark Side. Ours are the strongest fighters, and we shall prevail in the battle against the Light Side."

As and afterthought, she continues.

"We also work together with those of the Neutral Side, but beware of them, for some of them work in collaberation with the Lights. So if your heart is of the purest darkness and you will serve me well, follow me.."

She turns to leave, then glances over her shoulder.

"You will be well rewarded...."

†She snorts, then canters back toward the other two, ebon orbs glaring at the unicorn as she comes to a halt. The unicorn lowers her head, ivory protrusion aimed toward the dappled mare, warding her off. Tossing powdery dial into the air, she unleashes a haughty laugh. Pillars pick up and she easily trots over, gliding over the ground.†

"I am Sunwashed Jewel, Queen of the Light Side. Here we fend off the Evil members from destroying this land. It is already hanging in a fragile balance; we don't need them upsetting it any further. Our goal is to defeat them and live in a harmonious balance with nature and others of our kind. So, if your heart is pure and strong, please follow me to my promised land."

† The unicorn floats back over to where the group stands, her jaden eyes glancing cooly over the evil mare. Shaking dial once more she sidesteps closer to the stocky blood bay. With a slight jerk of her muscles the crimson dances away, her dainty hooves leaving faint halfmoons embedded into the ground. As she halts she pins thorns back, showing her dislike for both mares. Dancing a few steps further she approaches you, her white tipped legs thrown out in front of her, small hooves barely making a sound as she moves. When she is a foot from you she glides to a stop.

"I am Flaming Rose. I watch over the Neutral side. We do take part in battles, but mainly function as peacekeepers. However, if we are needed to fight we shall. We cannot let the two other sides kill off what we have. So if you are one who shall not sway for either of the sides, and fight for peace, please join me."

You watch as she walks away from you. Now it is left up to you. It's your choice. The evils, neutrals, or the goods-which will you side with? Keep in mind that your decision may be the one that frees the land of its bind or shatter it totally. Choose wisely, for you have now entered the land of Forsaken Spirits.

Tortured Land

Sunlit Valley

Flourished Plains


Dec 7,2002- I'm trying out some new html and stuff. I might re-do some features of the game, nothing drastic that will totally change it though. I am soooo greatful that you know lotsa html Chris!!!

Dec 8,2002- Prolly not gonna get alot of remodling done:S I am goin out for a ride w/ my friends at 3 so thats why. Christina is gonna rewrite the intro for me :D

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