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Forgotten Sun Tavern

Welcome to the Forgotten Sun Tavern, a small quiet tavern on the outskirts of Babylon. The Tavern is owned and operated by Melanie_Solitaire. On most nights there is an NPC bartender named Raul, however if anyone would like to apply for the job please see Melanie

Forgotten Sun Tavern is a freestyle roleplaying room loosely based on Vampire the Masquarade and World of Darkness, however non V:tm characters from other style roleplays such as D&D are welcome to roleplay here, all we ask is that people be respectful of others and obey the rules of the room/realm.

Forgotten Sun Tavern is not part of Babylon or any other major realm it is it's own realm with it's own rules some of which are taken from realms such as Eden and Babylon.

Roleplay here is freestyle and we leave it up to the player whether they use Paragraph or shortform posts to Rp, this is so that beginners are not intimidated into not roleplaying in the room, we ask that experienced roleplayers try to teach and guide new players on how to roleplay properly instead of making fun of and being mean to them.

Even though the room is freestyle we ask that people obey the rules of the realm and refrain from God Moding (playing unbeatable God like chars) God and Demi God chars. are strictly forbiden in this room and will be treated as mortals or considered invalid all together and clicked (placed on ignore by the room).

New Players: if you've never been here before and you have never roleplayed a V:tm or D&D style roleplay before just watch the room for a while before trying to take part, i'm sure you will get the idea, i also strongly recomend that you take a look at the Eden link below it contains invaluable information on character creation and roleplaying. Just a note since this room is located in Adult RP, this room is Not intended for cyber or as a sex room, if that is what your looking for please look elsewhere, kissing hugging and otherwise just being affectionate with someone is fine, but if the players taking part wish to go any further it needs to be taken into PM or to a private room, no sex in the main room under any circumstances.

Combat: in any style of roleplaying you're always going to have confrontations between characters, even though we ask people to be nice and refrain from attacking others, if the roleplay calls for combat we recognize the three major styles of online combat (T1, T2(7-10-7), and T3(4-4-2) ) combat will be "Defenders Choice" meaning the person that is being attacked has the right to pick which of the three recognized fighting styles he or she wants

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