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Tainted Thoughts

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This is not really a poem. When I think of a verse that I like, I write it down. These are just little verses that I haven't used yet

There is a stew boiling up inside
I feel it as I go about my day
I fear the pain is too much to hide
All I can do is wait until it fades

You ask about my problems
and you ask about my fears
you know my inner soul
and you have seen all my tears.
I see you in the mornings
I see you every night
I always want you near me
and never out of sight.

There's an emptiness inside of you
I see it when I look in your eyes
I only hope that when you look at me
That you don't notice mine.

The world is a hell I can not bear.
It is full of bloodsucking souls who have no purpose.
Everyday is painful
and every night a dark blanket of fear descends.

Copyright © 2003 ForeverTink
Last modified: June 12, 2003