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Fizzyglitter's Cloud in the Sky

Hey, Welcome to my page. If you looked at my old page's book, you'd know that angelfire took me off autosign in and I forgot the password and the last name that I put in and now I'm really ticked off... anyway.
Welcome to my page, as I said before. Thanks for coming here. I'll be sticking in some fanfiction, some stories, some links(good ones), some scripts for my favourite movies and lots, lots more. Have fun surfing it!

My old page
My other old page
Harry Potter WB Page

The other bits on this page:

About Me
Cliques I belong to (or applied to)
Harry Potter World
The Interviews.
Double Take
Link Me!
Wacky Quotes
Random Stuff
Random Rants - Blah!
Ways to know you are obsessed with Harry Potter
Cute Pictures

Like my new layout? Yes, I know Louisa, Al and all those pink haters - you hate my new layout. But hey, that's your perogative! I like this new layout! (took me ages to decide on it, and not a black background with hearts. Yes, I know you'd love that one too, Al, Louisa!) Anyhowz, feel free to sign the guestbook on what you think of my guestbook! see yous!

Guess what else? Like the music? It's "candy" mandy moore. *hears all the non pop likers groan* tough luck, cuz I like this song!

Thank you for visiting!
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Read my guestbook!
Sign my guestbook!
The current mood of at

What do you think of my page?

Luv it! WOW! It SUCKS!

hold it!
doll on main page, music, background, little divider thingimy's with the pwiddy stars are from 'n I got the enter sign and the welcome sign from Ren's "Truly Angel
Ok - end of credits!!

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