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Fire Eagles and Mt. Desri Pack


Mt. Desri Lupe Pack
Fire Eagles Lupe Pack
The Story of the Fire Eagles
Pictures Page
Role Playing!
Profiles of the Rp characters
Pack page of the Fire Eagles and Mt. Desri enemy

*The plains are borderd by forest, the steep inclines of the Wilderness Mountian range rising to one side. Mt. Desri towers over the other mountians. Mist drifts slowly across the grass, hiding the gleam of the Bluemoon river and the streams that run off it. Suddnly, a howl from the forest cuts through the cold air, eccoing with pride and intensity, joy and strengh. Te howl is soon joined by another, slightly softer, but just as proud. From Mt. Desri an answering pair of howls are heard, eccoing the same emotions as the first two. More an more voices join in, lending to the song, until it soundnsd as if a hundred howls have started, to blend into a drawn-out song of trust, feirceness, friendship and hope.
Pack howlers

*You walk through the forest one day, feeling a bit uneasy. Nightfall was close, and darkness was dangerous, in this area. Slowly, a haunting howl drifts over you. You gulp, but relax, suddenly remembering the packs that traveled in this area. The Fire Eagles, and the Mt. Desri. You remember hearing from one of the other inhabitants of the forest that both packs are friendly, as long as you do not mean the members any harm. You continue on your way, knowing you are in good company*

Welcome to the page for the two lupe packs, the Fire Eagles and the Mt. Desri! Neither pack shares the same territory, but they do share members, and the alphas of each are in constant contact. Feel free to join either pack, but cause any member of the two harm, and trouble will quickly follow. Quick note from Chris: Ok, next thing to realize about this site! It is shared between myself, Chris the Rebel Warrior (or just Chris, more often) and Doberz, otherwise known as Mav, just in case you hadn't figured it out yet! Her pack is Mt. Desri, and mine the Fire Eagles. So yeah, pretty much have fun, take a look around and enjoy yourself!
Comming soon from me!
New Territory Map

Territory Map of the Mt. Desri and the Fire Eagles

Territory scenes

Wilderness Mountians borded by the forest Watefalls in the vally The Wilderness Mountians rise behind a background of flowers on Hawk Hill Reflections in Hawk Hill lake Sunnset over Hawk Hill A smaller waterfall in the vally

To have a look at some of the Alphas, here's their links.


Just to help those who aren't familiar with A_E's large family, here they are! A_E and Flamey have seven pup (Grown up now!)
In age order:
A_E's brother Lopey and his mate Blazey have five grown up pups.

Get your own mini here Lopey, brother of A_E, Alpha Advisor. A rough puphood, but a decent and loyal Lupe.

Get your own mini here Bold Flamey and A_E's oldest son. Son of A_E and Flamey *Fire Eagles Pack Protector* Good-natured but fierce when nesecary, Bold resembled his father A_E in many ways.

Get your own mini here Daring, Flamey and A_E's second son. *Ranks after Bold* Normally a cheerful and friendly Lupe, mess with his mate or two pups, or any of his family, and find out how good his fighting skills are.

Get your own mini here Fox_e, the oldest Lupess of A_E and Flamey. *Fire Eagles Explorer #1* bold and independant

Get your own mini here Hunter, *Fire Eagles Pack Hunter* Friendly and cheerful, like his siblings. Fits well into the life of the pack.

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Bounder, son of A_E. A love with jumping, playful at times, but knows when to be serious.

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Dreamer *Omaga female of the Fire Eagles* A sweet and gentle Lupess, who cares greatly about her family.

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Friendly son of A_E. Exactly as is name suggests...

Get your own mini here Scott *Omaga male of the Fire Eagles* A best friend of his cousin Friendly, a more playfull, joyful or positive Lupe would be hard to find.

Get your own mini here Wolverine *Fire Eagles Pack Protector* A true fighter at heart, often appearing sullen and unfriendly. Wary when meeting strangers. Nevertheless, his rough mask hides a loyal spirit and a good heart, extreamely protective and loyal to family and friends.

Get your own mini hereJean Daughter of Lopey. *Pack doctor/healer* An intrest in healing, Jean is the kind, polite, helpful member who's always there. A understanding of her brother Wolverine has resulted in a close bond.

Get your own mini here Storm *Fire Eagles Pack explorer #2* Best friends with cousin Fox_e, Storm does not always look before she leaps. With some fighting skills and a fearless attitude, Storm is brave, confedent, and a thorugly trustworty member.

Get your own mini here Rogue *Daughter of Lopey* Kind and gentle most of the time, the harmless appearance hides developing fighting skills. Has a mate whom she loves very much.

And here's the family of Chevis and the others, the main leaders of the Mt. Desri Pack. Each set of parents as had four pups. (Lists in age order)

Chevis & Kit Kat

DF & Sevlow

Charon & Myst

Here's links to the happy family, lol:
Chevis: Alpha Male of Mt. Desri, mate to Kit Kat
Kit Kat: Alpha Female of Mt. Desri, mate to Chevis, sister to DF and Myst
Slagar: Oldest of Kit Kat and Chevis's litter, evil, enemy to Shultz and Mav, loyal to Max, vampire lupe
Shultz: Son of Chevis and Kit Kat, vampire lupe, protective of family
Mav: Daughter of Chevis and Kit Kat, Shultz's traveling companion
Khalor: Oldest son of Chevis and Kit Kat's second litter, pup
Mucro: Part of Chevis's second litter, pup, follower of the ESLP
Dash: Oldest daughter of Chevis's second litter.
Draman: Pup in Chevis's second litter
Altrean: Youngest daughter of Chevis and Kit Kat, pup

DF: Mate to Sevlow, Brother of Kit Kat and Myst
Sevlow: Mate to DF
Lela: Oldest daughter of DF and Sevlow, shy, intelligent
Themis: Oldest son of DF and Sevlow, extremely tall, friendly
Max: Evil, sworn enemy of Shultz, vampire lupe, leader of 'evil trio'(Max, Slagar, and Scringe)
Bacchus: Youngest son of DF and Sevlow, still partially pup, playful

Charon: Mate to Myst, conservative and quiet
Myst: Mate to Charon, sister to DF and Kit Kat
Tae: Oldest daughter of Charon and Myst, warrior, vampire lupe, mother to Shadow, Darian, Lance, Spirit, Mask, Nightshade, and Jackal, mate to Wolverine
Rebel: Oldest son of Charon and Myst, independant
Ice: New vampire lupe, quiet, blind
Scringe: Youngest son of Charon and Myst, evil, follower of Max and Slagar

One of the Mt. Desri lupes, Tae, eventually had pups with one of the FELP lupes, Wolverine. Here's a four of the seven, in order of age.
Shadow: Oldest pup out of Tae and Wolverine's litter. Completely black, very quiet and anti-social, half-demon
Lance: A rather laid-back young lupe, quite the explorer
Mask: A split lupess with a blood red mask over her eyes, taken by the ESLP as a pup, now follows ESLP
Jackal: A scruffy, sandy-colored lupe with a black streak running from between his ears to the tip of his tail, Tae and Wolverine's youngest pup, loves meeting new lupes, loves pups, very friendly and laid-back

Pack word of wisdom
A_E barks to get everyone's attention. "Okay you lot. We need some words of wisdom over here, any volunteers?" Wolverine yawns. "Don't get mad, get furious." A_E sighs. "Probably not quite what we're looking for Wolverine." Wolverine grins and Bold laughs, shaking his head. Scott yips in excitment* "I know! A dog who goes to the flea circus will most probably walk away with the whole show!" *Everyone strugles not to laugh and storm grins widly. "Always remember, you are uniquie, just like everyone else..." A_E turns his eyes skyward. Bold takes pity on his father. "Okay dad I have one."

It's always easy to find the easy way out, but finding, and sticking to, the hard way is more rewarding - Bold

Wolverine nips Bold on the ear. "Ohhhh, deep" Bold shoves him back, and the two cousins laugh. A_E nods. "Okay, that's good Bold. Any more?"

If you know yourself and you know the enemy you need not fear the results of a hundred battles - Wolverine
Be brave and willing to do what it takes to achieve your goal, but cautious and smart enough to take the time to do it right - Daring
Hunting is a Sport, a Tradititon and an Art. To stalk your prey is a challenge. To chase your prey is a thrill. To catch your prey is an honor and a reward. To kill your prey without reason is a disgrace to yourself and your skills - Hunter
Good friends are a rarity in this world. Don't abuse those who trust you, never use a friend, and remain loyal to your friends at all costs - Fox_e
We often act on emotion, which makes our thoughts stunningly clear to others through the way we behave - Jean
You can't change the past, you can't escape the present, the can't stop the future, but you can accept all three - Rogue
You cannot discover new oceans without the courage to lose sight of the shore - Lopey
Dreamers are be mocked, teased and made fun of, but it is their dreams and ideas that change the world - Dreamer
You can judge someone by their outer appearance and personality, or you can get to know them and make a loyal friend. –Shultz
You can curse at me, beat me, throw things at me. But you cannot prevent me from being who I am. –Rebel
What’s the point in playing if you have no sense of humor? –Bacchus
Followers are a necessity. Leaders are a need. Commanders are a rarity. –Chevis
Beware of a sharp tongue. You may cut your own throat. –Mav
Strength gives you power. Speed gives you agility. Intelligence will get you home alive. –Ice
Don’t frown because you never know who’s falling in love with your smile. –Lela
He who laughs last thinks slowest. -Khalor
Love your enemies. It gets them really confused. -Dash
Why take life so seriously? It isn't permanent. -Altrean

Our four alphas