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A Letter


I received your letter in the mail today.
My heart is racing in a new, strange way.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry
After what we endured in days gone by.

I felt we had something special then
I didn't think I could love anyone again.
For over a year we shared a secret life
Fearing discovery that would lead to strife.

We told each other our heart's desire
With words that set our lust afire,
We were never able to consummate
You had to part and I couldn't wait.

As the words in your letter invade my mind,
I am hopeful one day that true love I'll find.
And I'll send a letter to share with you
A love that makes me feel like YOU used to do.

I wish you love.
I wish you peace.
I wish you life
in God's good grace.



Copyright 2002 Deelightful Productions