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Precious to Me

My darling, do you know how precious
Your unconditional love is to me?
Though we've known one another a short while,
You have found the true woman in me.
Your love, tenderness and kindness has touched my heart
And helped me make a brand new exciting start.
Your honesty and intelligence is so refreshing.
Your romantic nature keeps me guessing.
I wonder what sweet words you will say when we meet.
I know when I see you I'll be in for a treat.
I'll see that glow of love in your eyes
Meant especially for just me.
I'll show you how much I love you
and how precious you are to me.
You are the light of my life, dear love.
I'm so blessed that we found one another.
I know you were sent from God above
To fulfill our need for each other.
We thought we had everything we needed,
But God knew what was in our heart.
He led us together through the wires,
To true love that would never part.
I love you.
You are precious to me.




Copyright 2002 Deelightful Productions