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The Meeting


I wonder if you will still love me

When we finally meet face to face.
Will you take one look and run from me
While I try to keep up the pace?

Will our eyes start to twinkle in sweet surprise
When we see the lovelight glow in our eyes?
Will our curious expectations all be met?
Will our long distance love be the best one yet?

Will our love continue to deepen and grow
When we get to know each other even better?
Will we be able to fulfill the fantasies
That we promised in every love letter?

True love should not be judgmental,
Nor hindered by society's perception.
True love accepts us as we are,
With no thought of cruel rejection.

My darling, you have shown me
How wonderful a love could be.
I believe that God led you to me.
Because I needed you and you needed me.

Our love blossomed through our long conversations
On the phone and in written words of love.
We thought we didn't need a companion
Yet, I'm glad our friends gave us a "shove".

Our friends don't understand how it happened.
Our love evolved so quickly, and we don't know why.
But our passionate daily communications
Are confirmations that our hearts will not be shy.

When we finally touch and exchange a kiss,
The beautiful moment will live in our hearts.
Our first meeting will consummate our feelings
And assure us that we'll never part.



Copyright Deelightul Productions 2002