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Memories of Hope


We knew the possibility
That one day it would end.
We knew the responsibility
To those who would not win.

Yet through it all we tried to maintain
A relationship miles apart.
We knew there really was no chance
With fate against us from the start.

The words of love that you wrote
Still echo in my mind and eyes.
The words of leaving that you wrote
Really came as no surprise.

I release you from unfulfilled wishes
I release you from love unspent
I release you from unfulfilled passion
I know now where it went.

I have no right to claim you.
I have no right to dream
That in the realm of possibility
We'll be together in God's great scheme.

The memories will always remain true
Of loving moments online with you.
However we must finally face reality
That it was never meant to be.

So long, my love and good luck to you
I hope you find the answers you seek.
I'll search to find another love
Who can make my knees go weak.



Copyright 2001 Deelightful Productions