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Crazy in Love

Are we crazy in love or just crazy?
How could we fall in love so soon?
We thought we didn't need a lover,
But fate has burst that balloon.

Our friends will never believe us,
They won't understand that it's true.
But we know truly within our hearts,
You love me and I love you.

Are we crazy in love or just crazy?
How could something so new feel so right?
We've found a comfort in one another,
To be held in loving arms in the night.

Now that our hearts have connected,
Why shouldn't we enjoy what will be?
We know our love is the real thing,
Let's enjoy it and learn to be free!

We know it will pass the test of time.
We don't care about what others say,
We don't care about what they think.
We've earned the right to love this way,

We're falling in love so easily.
We're sharing our lives with each other.
We're crazy in love, but that's God's way,
Of leading us to one another.



Copyright Deelightful Productions 2002