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Blessed To Be Loved By You

In the cool, early morning as I start my day
I thank God that I'm loved so much by you.
I'm blessed to have you in my life,
And charmed by the things that you do.

Your abiding love and encouragement
Sees me through my tempestuous days.
You continue to share your life with me
In sweet, thoughtful, and loving ways.

At evening I thank God for giving me
A chance to add you to my life's song.
You have filled a void within my heart
That was vacant and lonely for me too long.

You listen to me as I speak to you,
You think of me when we are apart.
I know your feelings are real for me,
I feel the warmth of love in my heart.

At night I lie all alone in my bed,
Wondering where our emotions will lead.
Can we give up our sweet independence
To incorporate our lives with the lover we need?

I'm so blessed to be loved by you,
I savor my sweet sustenance this today,
I take each joyful moment as it comes to me
Guarding my freedom to love you always.



Copyright Deelightful Productions 2002