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The Mysts

Thoughts of a Wanderer

For Aurora Myst

Keeper of the Sword of Light.

Vivien's Song
by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours,
Faith and unfaith can ne'er be equal powers:
Unfaith in aught is want of faith in all.

...It is the little rift within the lute,
That by and by will make the music mute,
And ever widening slowly silence all.

...The little rift within the lover's lute,
Or little pitted speck in garner'd fruit,
That rotting inward slowly moulders all.

...It is not worth the keeping: let it go;
But shall it? answer, darling, answer, no.
And trust me not at all or all in all.

Lesson cli

Never have a Companion who casts you in the Shade. .

The more he does so, the less desirable a companion he is. The more he excels in quality the more in repute: he will always play first fiddle and you second. If you get any consideration, it is only his leavings. The moon shines bright alone among the stars: when the sun rises she becomes either invisible or imperceptible. Never join one that eclipses you, but rather one who sets you in a brighter light. By this means the cunning Fabula in Martial was able to appear beautiful and brilliant, owing to the ugliness and disorder of her companions. But one should as little imperil oneself by an evil companion as pay honour to another at the cost of one's own credit. When you are on the way to fortune associate with the eminent; when arrived, with the mediocre.

Something in my Eye.

I Saw you in the corner of my eye
The way you simply strolled on by.
It made me almost loose my stride.
The first time I saw you in my eye.

Yes you with the long blond hair.
Walking around like you don't care.
Let me see you wave your hands in the air.
You look like something I'd like to wear.

Don't you know I've got something in my eye.
How it got there was quite a surprise.
Not sure now if I want to laugh or to cry.
That moment I saw you in my eye.

Yes you with the blue jeans on.
Walking around like your all alone.
Come on closer won't do you no wrong.
Maybe later will take you back home
Now dance for me without a care.
Now let me see you swing your hair.
Now sway those hips you have down there.
Now just throw those hands up in the air.

Don't you know I've got something in my eye.
How it got there was quite a surprise.
Not sure now if I want to laugh or to cry.
That moment I saw you in my eye.

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