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Spell data base

Race wars

Stratagies per lvl

A "hyper-link" could go here

Eq Ever Druid Home Page!


Welcome! this is my very newest site and i am going to make the WHOLE THING ABOUT DRUIDS! Very probably my favorite class! spells, stratagies, where to hunt, where to lvl, epic quests, it will all be here when i have got a bit of free time. My EMAIL address is or you can use the program at the bottom of the page to contact me, click on the feedback button and we'll do the rest. Please take time to provide my poll and email me with info on the site. thank you!

Thank you Kaelera Picklemustache 46th Druid of Tunare! she has given 2 screen shots for the site which can be viewed in the strategy section under 10-19 and 20-29! i will need more pictures as im short around 10 pics! also i need some posts for all my pages which is just waiting for your information! a thank you will be written on the home page, also Kaelera Picklemustache 46th Druid of Tunare has told me that haveing a page dedicated to high level factions for the benefits of druids has been reccomended and because i dont know much on this subject could i get a few posts about it just so i can start it off please? well if possible please press the feedback button next to the people counter at the bottom of this page, or email me at the address on the scrolling message at the top of the page. thank you!

Ok i now have the lvl 30-39 lvl hunt guides up but i cant do any of the higher lvls as i haevt recieved any stratagies for them! please people i really need your input now! i also need a whole lot of piccies as im real low aswell, thanks

I have now added the 20-29 stratagies on to the stratagies pages. i will need more stratagies for this as i still need to spend alot of time on the other stratagy by lvl pages. so please send in these stratagies. also i need any druid pics i can get as i havent got some for a few pages thank you just hit the feedback button at the bottom of the page! thank you

Ok i now have the stratagies by lvl page with lvls 1-9 and 10-19 so take a look and tell me what you think. thank you for your support so far-bluden

Ok i now got the discussion page up. this has all the topics that druids could desire chosen by you! i need some more emails of what should be my next page so please keep me informed!

I now have stratagys by lvl up, atm i only have from levels 1-9 covered so i will be tryin to get some more levels later next week if not tomorrow, please eamil me some stratagys because that would help me so much! thanks you-bluden

OK now the RACE WARS section is up, basically this is about which class is the best/favorite of druid kind. please grab the link to your left and take a look, feel free to email me and gove me your input on race wars, thank you very much WOOHOO the spell database is up and ready to be looked at, if i have made any mistakes please tell me, via email. i think that i have compiled all the information and i have left a breif description of each spell, if you have any questions please email me as i guarentee a reply with every post!

There has been recent LUCLIN talks and i have heard of all the new spells and HORSES! all the new spells are in the data base and HORSES will be priced around 9K and will act like a permanent SoW! Although there will be no ATK or STR bonus so it looks like a rich mans luxury item.

Ok i have now got the Stratagy page up and running woot! i will need your input to whether the layout and such is the best i can make it. please take the time to contribute to my poll in order for me to gather infirmation for the subjects of them. i will be needing stratagys and pictures and spell lists on download so if any body can help i will gladly put there name tag onto it, if you would like to post a strategy or anything like that please email me (address is in the opening paragraph of this page) and i will make sure to send out to the people. i will need ideas on how to improve this site and i will need to know about the epic quest. basically i need help gettin this site finished lol! any ideas on my next poll email me, need advice on your site? email me. i will gladly put a link to your site if i have space.

i now have the picture for my stratagy page. I NEED MORE! that was a perfect size so please please give me your input people!

ok great! i now have a picture for my homepage! i need more people more! im thinkin about making an item database for my next page, that or the spell database. any ideas? email me. address is in opening paragraph. also i will need to be finding out about luclin spells so i could do with a bit of help there aswell.

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