"Showcase Story's"

Chapter One

"The Mansion"

Quickly going down the stairs , I could see Mistress already standing in the foyer waiting to leave. Good morning Mistress, I love You ,I said as I approached Her. Mistress had told me last night that we were going on a walk together in the early morning and that I best be ready . Have You eaten this morning Mistress? I asked . We will not be eating breakfast this morning Katie ,Mistress replied while attaching the leash to my collar.

I think it is about time you saw my other place Katie . Mistress had a smirk on Her face and tugged on the collar . Mistress, I never knew You had another place. Yes Katie , you were not ready to go there , so I did not talk about it . Now I think you are ready . ~Mistress again smiled~ We walked for a while quietly then Mistress turned to a long walk leading to a mansion. My jaw just about hit the sidewalk … Mistress , This is your place ? I asked.. Yes it is Katie . I have several servants and maids working here , but there is one that you will meet today that is a slave of mine of course , but has Domme tendencies . You will obey Her , just as you obey Me . Do you understand ? Yes Mistress , I do . I was very curious by now why it Was important to meet this lady , and what it was that Mistress thought I was ready for now .

We walked up the steps to the door . Mistress didn’t even knock and the door opened wide . A tall Man about in his mid fifties would be my guess , bowed to Mistress . A pleasure as always Mistress.said the man . Mistress smiled , said thank you Alfred , and started to enter into the mansion. Then She stopped and turned ,looking at the butler. Oh , I am sorry .She said . Albert , I would like you to meet Katie , Katie this is Albert , Mistress said smiling. Pleased to meet you Albert Sir , I said . Mistress quickly said “ Katie , you need not call him sir . He is My servant . Yes Mistress . Albert gave a slight nod and smiled. Then Mistress once again tugged on the leash and I followed her into the Mansion.

Albert closed the big door behind us and Mistress look at him and said “ Albert , get Elizabeth for Me . Yes Madam , Albert responded . Then he left down the large hall and turned left through an archway. I looked up at Mistress and She just smiled down at me . A moment later Albert returned with Elizabeth . Elizabeth curtsied to Mistress . Good morning Mistress ,she said. Mistress smiled at her and said “ Elizabeth this is Katie , she is My slave. Katie , meet Elizabeth . She is one of the many that help keep this place running . I curtsied and said “ pleased to meet you Elizabeth.

Elizabeth did not so much as nod . She looked at me with a stern look on her face . I felt a chill go though my body and thinking to myself * I am sure glad this isn’t my Mistress* Just then Mistress said “Elizabeth , you will see to it , that Katie gets a bath this morning .” Yes Ma’am , she responded. Mistress looked at me . Katie ? Yes Mistress? You do remember what I told you earlier about Elizabeth right ? Yes Mistress , I do . Good girl , Mistress said , then looked at Elizabeth , handed her the leash and nodded . Come with me girl , Elizabeth said and tugged on the leash rather hard . I looked one last time at Mistress , but Mistress turned away reaching to a picture on the wall adjusting it .

I followed Elizabeth up a long flight of stairs that curved off to the left and into a long hall . Then Elizabeth led me into a large room . Every room in the mansion was so big . Elizabeth stopped and turned toward me . This is the slave bathing room girl . Yes Ma’am I answered . Well , are you going to bathe with your clothes on girl ? No Ma’am , sorry Ma’am . I replied . Don’t , and I mean DON’T make me wait for you girl . I do not have the patients for that . Yes Ma’am . I quickly took my clothes off stood naked before Elizabeth . She then pointed to a bell and said “ pick the bell up and ring it “ I did as I was told and no sooner did I put the bell back down , did two eunuch slaves enter into the bathing room with buckets of hot water . I quickly covered myself up . Elizabeth , in one motion reached up , grabbed a crop and brought it down hard on my butt . I let out a small yelp … then looked at Elizabeth . She looked at me and said , Did I tell you to cover yourself up girl ? No Ma’am , I answered quickly . Don’t do it again ! She said and brought the crop down once again on my butt. I cringed , but was ready this time and didn’t let a sound pass through my lips . I stood there in the tub in total humiliation and embarrassment as the two eunuchs washed me down with towels and soap. Then I heard a familiar voice , it was Mistress. Elizabeth , is Katie shaven ? Mistress asked . No Ma’am , the girl is not . To that, Mistress said I want her clean shaven and prepared for a labia ring . Katie you will now know that you are My slave. I wanted to protest being shaved , but knew it would be to my best interest not to . Yes Mistress , thank You . I said . The eunuch’s dried me off then left . Then Elizabeth grabbed my wrist and led me to a table with stirrups and told me to climb up . I looked over at Mistress hoping she would see the disapproval in my eyes , but my hesitation only brought me another good sting on my butt with the crop . I climbed up onto the table .. Elizabeth grabbed one ankle and put my foot into the stirrup, then my other , spreading my legs far apart and then held into place with straps. Then my arms and wrists were put into restraints and another strap over my mid section making me very vulnerable .

Chapter Two

"The Table"
Mistress watched while I was being strapped down and said nothing . Elizabeth looked over at Mistress and both exchanged a smile . Mistress nodded and Elizabeth proceeded to shave me clean . I was surprised how gentle she was , because up to now from the moment we were introduced , she seemed to be very cold towards me . She was almost too gentle , the touch of her fingers on my lower body felt like every nerve ending went straight to my pussy . I tried not to show pleasure , but I could see a slight smile on Elizabeth’s face . She knew very well what she was doing to me . Then she finished shaving me and reached over to a smaller table and picked up what looked like a plastic clothes pin and clamped it on my labia . I cringed for a moment and tried bending my knees, but the restraints kept me from doing it . She left the clamp on for about a minute. It kept blood from that immediate area . She then removed the clamp and pushed the needle through my labia and inserted a ring all in one smooth motion . I pulled hard on the restraints and let out a small whimper . Elizabeth heard me and slapped my face . Quiet girl ! She said to me, Or I will give you something to whimper about . Elizabeth then did the other side . Tears were rolling down my cheeks , but not another sound passed through my lips.

Mistress , Elizabeth said .. The girl is done Ma’am . Mistress walked over and examined the shinny new rings that adorned my pussy and smiled approvingly . You may take the restraints off of her, Elizabeth . Yes Ma’am , Elizabeth said , and removed the restraints and helped me off the table . Then Mistress called me to her side and again attached the leash to my collar . Well Katie , it would be very uncomfortable to wear panties right now so you will carry your clothes with you . I picked up my clothes and followed as Mistress led me further down the hallway . Then She stopped at a door and opened it . This is your room Katie . I didn’t like the sound of this at all . I loved sleeping on the foot end of Mistress’s bed at night and being close to Her . Looking at Mistress I asked : Mistress , will You be staying in the mansion as well ?

No Katie, Mistress answered . Elizabeth , Take good care of My girl . Yes Mistress , Elizabeth said . Mistress then dropped the leash , kissed me on the forehead and walked down the hall and down the stairs . When I heard the front door close , my heart sunk . The feeling of any kind of protection had vanished . Elizabeth reached to my collar and grabbed the leash and led me down the stairs totally naked.

You are going to show the others your new rings Katie . I knew not to argue and answered “Yes Ma’am “, and followed her down the stairs , then took a sharp right and headed toward the big arch ways . We then took a left through them and into a huge room . There was another large archway directly across the room, a double door on the wall to the left and a single door on the right . Elizabeth led me to the door to the right and opened it to a set of stairs leading down . She turned for a moment and smiled at me , then tugged the collar and led me down the steps.

At the bottom was yet another long hallway made of large stones . The source of light were torches which were staggered from side to side and about 20 feet apart . We walked past several rooms . I glanced into the rooms through the one inch thick metal bars extending from the ceiling to the floor . One room had a girl in about her late 20’s. She was kneeing with her face to the floor until we came to her cell. She looked up and said in an unsettling voice “ Foolishly open not the doors to your heart . Your hands will reach , but you will find no love in the darkness “ . I moved closer to the bars looking into her sad eyes . I reached through the bars wanting to hold her , but felt a hard pull on the leash pulling me back away from her. Do not even acknowledge they are here girl , Elisabeth said in a stern voice . And if you do , this will be your home as well.

We walked further down the hall , the shadows of the torches dancing on the walls added to the uneasy feelings I already had . Finally we came to a large metal door . Elizabeth pulled hard on the handle of the door and it opened slowly. Looking inside , I could not believe my eyes .. Omg . It was the dungeon . There were rings studded across the floor , ceiling and walls . Cross beams hanging from ropes , spreader bars , restraints of various kinds ,gags, cuffs ,floggers , whips ,crops , you name it , it was here in this dungeon. Although the implements of pain were hanging still on the walls , the shadows from the torches brought them to life . It was truly a torture chamber for the sadistic . Looking around I felt like every last bit of energy I had was drained from me . I felt weak hearing the words from the girl still echoing in my head . I wondered : did my Mistress abandon me ? Am I the fool that the girl was talking about ? I thought about this for a moment … then yelled out “ Mistress I love You , You are all I have “ then I fell to my knees and cried .

Chapter Three

Elizabeth looked at me for a moment . GET UP GIRL! NOW! She yelled . Wiping my eyes , I stood up before Elizabeth . You inferior child ! She yelled again . Another outburst like that and you will never see your Mistress again . Do you understand me ? Yes Ma’am , I said quietly , still wiping my tears with my wrists . Come with me girl , for this you will be punished . She then grabbed the leash again and yanked it hard leading me to the wall. Face the wall girl , She said. I turned to the wall while Elizabeth attached leather cuffs to my wrists . I felt my arms being stretched in to a “Y” position as Elizabeth pull the ropes tightly thought the rings on the wall . The ropes ran in front on the cuffs ,enabling me to hold the them.

Then Elizabeth attached the leg spreaders to my ankles and both ends to rings on the floor immobilizing any movement of my feet . Elizabeth then put a ball gage into my mouth . No one can hear you down here , but now , Neither will I , she laughed. One more finishing touch before we get started , she said while putting a blindfold on me . I listened to the clicking of Her heels as she walked to the far wall , and again as she approached me . She then cracked her whip within inches of my head . I jumped . You may use your safe word if you wish , She said . Her wicked laughter filled the dungeon .

She brought the whip back and down hard across my butt as the tip graced my hip. CRACK ! MMMMMmmmmmmuuuuuuuffffffff! Speak up girl , cat caught your tongue ? She laughed again bringing the whip back and down again across in the other direction .. CRACK ! MMMMMMMMMUUUUUUUUUUffffffffff! My screams being muffled by the gag. Elizabeth brought the whip back again and again, bringing it down hard on my butt and the back of my legs .. CRACK ! CRACK! CRACK ! I felt my legs weaken as the wrist cuffs were bearing more and more of my weight . The whipping continued and the pain was so intense that I was just short of unconsciousness . Elizabeth finally stopped . Well girl , do you know now that your Mistress will not be here for you ? She has abandoned you girl and will not be coming back . Then she stood next to me , my body only being held up by my wrists , tears streaming over my cheeks , and my butt , legs and back feeling as though they were on fire. She ran her fingers though my hair . Poor girl , she said . What am I to do with you ?

Then She grabbed my hair and pulled my head back slowly and smiled . You are mine now girl . Do you like that idea little slut ? Then released my hair letting my head fall forward. I could not believe my Mistress had left me . Tears once again flowing from my cheeks , my cries being muffled by the gag . I just wanted to die . I had no more energy , there was nothing left . I would never hear I love you , never feel Mistress’s arms around me , or be able to put my arms around Her and tell Her that I love Her .

Elizabeth released my ankles and removed the spreader bar. She then removed the blindfold and gag . I took in a deep breath . Stand up girl , she said . I pulled my feet back under me and slowly pushed myself up . Then Elizabeth released my wrists . My arms fell to my sides . I turned and watched Elizabeth as she walked to the wall replacing the whip . She grabbed the crop , walked to the side of a wooden horse and said : come here girl . I took two steps and plopped like a wet rag to the floor. Hurry up girl ! You know I do not like to be detained . Pushing myself back up , I stood frightened with my hands cupping my elbows . I walked slowly to Elizabeth . Bend your self over this horse girl , she said. Please Ma’am , I will obey , Please ! No more punishments . Do as I tell you girl , she responded.

I laid my body over the wooden horse , waiting again to be beaten by Elizabeth . Who is your Mistress , girl ? She asked . I said quietly , Miss Jackie . Feeling the crop come down hard on my butt “WHACK!” Wrong girl ! Who is your Mistress ? Miss Jackie is my Mistr…… WHACK! Wrong again girl ! Oooooooowwwwwww! Who is your Mistress, girl ? MissJackie is my WHACK! Ooooooow! Mistress and I … WHACK ! … ooooowwww! Love Her very …WHACK! OOOWWW! Much . WHACK ! WHACK ! WHACK ! OOOOOOooooowwwwwwwww ! Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I cried . Elizabeth grabbed me by the hair and lifted my head up . She crouched down in front of me and looked me in the eyes . I AM YOUR MISTRESS , You little slut . My head dropped as she released my hair .

Elizabeth walked back and forth in front of me , maybe five feet in either direction, then stopped in front of me again . She brought the crop down on the side of her boot . THwaaaaaaK! I jumped a little . Okay girl , I am going to ask you one more time . Who is your Mistress ? Bringing my head up slowly , I looked into Elizabeth’s eyes . Her stare was intense . My heart sank as I parted my lips to speak . I said quietly , You are my Mistress , then lowered my head and cried . Elizabeth had somewhat of a smile on her face . Good girl , she said . You may stand up .

I stood up , back straight ,legs parted a little , head up and eyes to the floor . My hands at my sides . Thank You Mistress , I said weakly. You are welcome girl , now come with me . Elizabeth led me to the door and we walked back up the flight of stairs to the main floor of the mansion . She then led me into the big room with the two arches and picked up a bell and rang it . Many servants and Maids entered into the room. There I stood naked with red welts across my back , butt and legs. Then Elizabeth said , I have an announcement to make ….um ….. Better yet , Katie has an announcement to make . Tell them girl .

It hurt so much to say the words Elizabeth wanted to hear , but I managed to get them out . Elizabeth is my Mistress , I said quietly. Louder girl ! Elizabeth said . Elizabeth is my Mistress , I said . Elizabeth smiled . The others congratulated her as I stood in the middle of the room . My sadness turned into anger . Many thoughts were running through my head . Why did Mistress abandon me ? She knows this has happened two times already and the love I had for Her was far greater than what I had for the other two. Elizabeth was busy being congratulated by the others . The butler (Alfred) brought out champagne for everyone . I slowly worked my way to the big arch that led to the hallway . I kept my back to the wall watching to make sure no one was watching me . Then I slipped out and into the hall . I ran up the stairs to my room and grabbed my clothes and quickly put them on and removed the collar and leash from my neck .

Slowly descending the stairs , I made my way to the front door and opened it . MissJackie was walking up the walkway . She didn’t see me so I quickly closed the door and ran back up the stairs . What am I going to do , I thought . She will come to the door and the butler will answer it , then others will notice that I am gone . My heart was racing fast . There was no way I was going to stay her another night with Elizabeth , and I most certainly was not going back to MissJackie after she abandoned me .

Chapter Four

"Going home"
I stood on the stairs and thought hard on what to do . Mistress will soon be all the way up the walk and then up the steps to the door of the mansion. I ran back down the stairs and to the front door and opened it quickly and closed it behind me . Mistress was just coming up the steps . She looked at me with a puzzled look . What are you doing Katie ? She asked . Mistress , I need to talk to You before You go into Your Mansion . Okay baby , lets sit on the swinging chair , She said . So we sat on the chair and I explained to her what happened . Mistress listened and didn’t say a word . I knew She was angry , but I think I was more upset than She was . Katie , I want you to sneak back into the ballroom and be as insubordinate to Me as you can . You will not be punished for this sweetie . Yes Mistress. Mistress? Yes princess ? I love You with all my heart and I am sorry that I even thought for a moment Elizabeth was telling me the truth . Mistress looked at me for a moment . Katie , I am hurt that you would even think for a moment that I would do this to you , but it was I who put Elizabeth in charge and told you to obey her as you would I . So I will not punish you . Thank You Mistress . Then Mistress leaned over and we hugged . My muscles tightened up as Mistress put her hands on my back. What is wrong princess ? Mistress asked . Well Mistress , when I told you I was punished , Elizabeth used the whip on me Mistress, then the crop. Mistress quickly lifted my blouse up . Oh my God ! Katie , go in there now ! Mistress said . Yes Mistress . Mistress gave me a peck on the lips and I went back in the Mansion , down the hall way and through the arch . Everyone was still busy talking and were clueless that I had even left . Then the door chimes sounded and Alfred started walking to the front door . Everyone else quickly left . Elizabeth looked at me . Well girl ? Are you going to just stand there or help clean this mess up ? Quickly now ! Yes Mistress , I replied . I helped clean up the champagne glasses and put them in the servery . I could hear Mistress’s distinct walk as her heels clicked on the onyx tiles in the long hallway . Elizabeth’s eyes widened as she looked at me . KATIE ! Where in the hell is your collar !?! I forgot I had taken it off in anger . I will get it Mistress , I replied . No Katie , go into the serery and clean up in there . Go quickly ! She said in a stern but quiet voice . Yes Mistress I said and left for the servery. I could hear Mistress walking into the room where Elizabeth was and soon the noise of the heels came to a stop . Where is My Katie ? Mistress asked . She is in the servery Ma’am . Would You like me to get her , Mistress? No Elizabeth , I will call her . I can go quickly and get her for you Mistress . No Elizabeth. I could hear the conversation from the servery . Mistress was being very calm . Then Mistress called to me , Katie !… I did not respond . Mistress called again , Katie ! Come here ! I knew Mistress wanted me to disobey her , so I just stood in the servery . Elizabeth , why is Katie not responding to Me ?

I do not know Mistress , but I shall get her for you , she needs to be punished for sure Mistress . Yes get her and bring her to Me , Mistress said . Elizabeth came into the servery and looked at me . What do you think you are doing Katie ? Mistress was calling you and you ignore Her ? I looked at Elizabeth . I am sorry Mistress , I did not hear Her . Just come with me girl ! Elizabeth ordered. Yes Ma’am ,I said , and followed her to Mistress. Hello Katie ,Mistress said . Hello Ma’am I said to Mistress . Ma’am ? Mistress responded . Don’t you mean Mistress , Katie ? No Ma’am , I said . Elizabeth had a worried look on her face and gave me a slap on the head . SLAP! Don’t you dare be disrespectful to Mistress, girl . Yes Mistress , I said to Elizabeth . Mistress looked at Elizabeth and raised a brow . What is this I am hearing Elizabeth ?

Katie calls me Ma’am and you Mistress? Why do you think that is Elizabeth ? Can you tell me please ? I have no idea Mistress , Elizabeth responded . Mistress could not hold back any longer , I could see her blood boiling . She reached over and grabbed a hold of Elizabeth’s hair and pulled down ward . KNEEL BITCH! Mistress yelled . I told you I wanted Katie trained NOT beaten or whipped . Mistress released Elizabeth’s hair . Katie stand in front of us and face the other way . Yes Mistress . I did as Mistress asked , then Mistress said , Katie , remove your blouse . Yes Mistress , I said , and removed my blouse . Mistress cringed and then looked at Elizabeth again . How do you think this happened Elizabeth ? Can you tell Me ?

Elizabeth was stammering trying to give an explanation to Mistress. Elizabeth , I have heard enough . I would beat the living daylights out of you , but I may not stop . Katie , turn and face us . I responded with a Yes Mistress and turned facing them . Katie , I am sorry for what has happened to you , this was not My intention at all princess . I do not blame you Mistress. Mistress gave a slight smile . I love you Katie , She said . I love you too Mistress , with all my heart . I could see how hurt Mistress was and saw a tear roll over her cheek and to the floor. Then she looked at Elizabeth again . Kiss Katie’s feet Elizabeth , NOW! Yes Mistress , Elizabeth said and lowered her face to my feet and kissed them . Now Elizabeth , apologize to my Katie . Elizabeth sneered at me knowing Mistress could not see her face . Then she said , I am so sorry Katie. Elizabeth , you are to leave the Mansion and never ever return . Elizabeth said , but Mistress …… Mistress reached behind Elizabeth’s neck and unfastened the collar . I am no longer your Mistress , Elizabeth . You may not address Me that way ever again . Now leave here .I will have your things sent to you . Yes Ma’am , Elizabeth responded and stood back up and walked to the hall way and to the and left too the front door . We could hear it open and close . Mistress looked at me . Baby , I will never let this happen again . I love you princess . I love you too Mistress . I looked at Mistress and smiled . Lets go home sweetie . Yes Mistress , thank You , I responded . As we were walking back , I looked up at Mistress and said , Mistress, I love you . Mistress looked at me and said , I love you too Katie . Then She took a hold of my hand . I was so happy to hear those words from my Mistress and I thanked God that we were back together again . Not that we were really ever apart , but I still thanked God for my Mistress.

Chapter Five

"The Return home"
Miss Jackie and her slave returned to their home in the city, driven as usual by chauffeur in Miss Jackie's cadillac limosine. When we returned to the house, I lovingly attached my leash to katie and led her into the house. Agnes, the house keeper, let us into the house, curtseying as we entered. "Agnes," I said," please call the salon. I want you to make an appointment for katie. I want her to get a manicure, a pedicure, a full facial and well as having her hair washed and set. And, I also want you to make an appointment with my massuese for her to get a theraputic full body massage, but make the appointment at least ten days out, so her back will be recovered by then." I smiled at katie and said, "Come with me sweetie". "Yes Mistress" katie responded and followed as I led her in to the study.

I sat down in a large overstuffed sofa chair and pointed to the floor in front of my feet. "Honey, kneel in front of me and put your head down sideways in my lap". "Yes, Mistress", katie answered as she knelt and gently laid her head sideways in my lap. "katie, " I began, "first, I want you to know how much I love you. I love you with all my heart. I am horrified at the terrible suffering you experienced from elizabeth. To show you sorry I am and to try to make it up to you, for the next week you are going to be treated like a real princess. You will not be allowed to be sassy, rude, or discourteous, like some real princess' are, but that would be uncharacteristic of you so I am not worried. What this means katie, is that I am going t see to it that your life is extremely rich and enjoyable. Besides the manicure, pedicure, facial, massage, and so forth.. we are going to go shopping for you. We are going to buy you a whole wardrpbe of very charming feminine outfits. We are going to go to a jewelry store and get you a diamond necklace and earrrings. We are going to dine together at the finest restaurants in town. You will be allowed to sleep each morning until 9am, if you wish. At 9am, Agnes will come to your room with fresh brewed tea, of your liking, along with any breakfast you would like. She will assist you in bathing and dressing each day.On Saturday, there is a charity ball. We are going and we are going dressed in the most fabulous ball gowns you can imagine. you will, of course, be expected to mind Me and call me Mistress ,as usual, and say your saying each day. However, I shall not require anything special from you. I want you to look, and act, and feel, and be treated like a princess." Agnes, will be be your handmaiden and get you anything you wish and accompany you any place you wish. Agnes is very submissive and will do what you ask her to do, but you must remember, she is not your slave. And, honey, I want you to be very nice and very courteous to her.. a little please and a little thank you go a long way. She is a very experienced hand maiden and will know how to do anything you wish. if she makes any mistakes, you will not be allowed to punish her. We will be together most of the time and when we are, Agnes will take orders from Me but you may ask for anything, and I mean anything you want." I began to smile. "katie, kneel up again, so I can see your face. As you kneeled up, letting me see your face, I could see your eyes were big as saucers and that you were wearing an unbelievably happy face "Sweetie," I smiled, "you must remember this at all times... you must be courteous and pleasant to everyone, always. You may not be a prima donna even though you are going to be treated like a princess" If you fail me in me in this respect, you will be punished. Your punishment will be an unspecified number of very painful hits from a cane, on your bare bottom. If this happens, you wont be able to sit. But, of course, we know this will not happen, so I am merely making sure you know the ground rules. By the way, if necessary, I will cane you publically. Any questions, honey?" katie. gullped but responded, "Mistress, thank you so much. I love you dearly. Surely I dont deserve all this but I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will make you proud of me." katie smiled at me, a tear in her shimmery eyes. I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. mmmmmmmmmmmmm. "I love you honey"