Last Updated August 9th, 2004

The Sun is out. The day is bright.
The dragons dance upon the grass
And trees and flowers brilliant.
On the winds they pass.
In and out among the clouds
They frolic in the light,
Sliding down the sunbeams,
Dragons crystal bright.
When the Sun has passed beyond
Mountains turned purple-blue,
The dragons dance on through the night
On strands of Moon-lit dew.
They dance to strains of music
Unheard by human ears,
As they have danced through eons,
Untouched by human years.
Teach me, lovely dragons,
To dance with joy life's plan,
To lift myself to higher planes,
Above the limits of common man.

Welcome to the Driantis website. This website holds information on the different places in Driantis including different shops and other important locations which may have played a big part in the history of Driantis. Those people who have been a major part in the making of this realm of Driantis can also be seen on this website. As you go through the website please keep in mind that it takes a lot of time and effort to keep it up and running.
There is a seperate website which will direct you to the profiles of every man, woman and species of animal in this galaxy. To reach the one with men and women in it, you must go to the guild website. Feel free to take your time and read the different profiles written by the different guild members portrayed in this role play. There is a seperate place where you can apply to join the guild.
The pictures below the bar will take you to different places on the planet of Driantis. They are separated into five directions; center(Aldezbald), North, South, East and West. Each of them have their own places within the different areas. Feel free to explore the whole website. You might learn something about the planet that no one else knows. Also feel free to email anyone about comments or even questions pretaining the content of this website.

Warning: Anyone who finds offence to violence, sex or sexual oriented materials should not look within this website.

The Northern Territories

The Western Territories


The Eastern Territories

The Southern Territories

History: There are two planets of Driantis. The Neo-Driantis (this one which is commonly known as Driantis) and the origional Driantis (which is referred to as Tanris). Driantis was created by a woman named Victoria Nightengale Aldebaran with the intent to save her family members and some of her friends who she held close to her heart. Victoria, who has now passed, worked her butt off to learn from the once living Clerics of the hidden Druid and Cleric island. Only one Cleric posessed the skills to create a planet and just before her death, she passed it onto Victoria. After Driantis was created and all the members were transported secretly to the new planet, Tanris was left for ruin.
Driantis is basically a carbon copy of Tanris down to the very time scale. Everything which had happened once before in Tanris was destined to happen in Driantis. Although, due to Victoria's hard work, many of those events were bypassed. Those who knew Victoria knew her as the working bee of the realm, always working on something or another. This eventually tore things apart which we will get into later.
Driantis is a pagan based planet following the Celtic Faerie traditions. The two main creatures of Driantis are Dragons and Faerie. At each four directional points there is a castle. Each of the occupants of the castle hold a specific power which they can use throughout the realm. If ever one of these powers were to disappear for some time, there would be an imbalance in the workings and chaos would start.
Victoria started to become unbalanced herself, and because she was the one that created the planet, it was crutial that she gained balance again or the whole planet would be destroyed. Because of this, she became the goddess of the realm taking her husband, Leonardo, with her. Because there is not book written on the facts that the world was created by Victoria, there is a myth talking about a goddess named Tiamat who was the "Great Mother Creator". It was said that she built order out of chaos and her own body. It stated that she was a dragon with four legs and horns on her head. After a splurt of creativity, Tiamat went through her life in repose until she had children. One of her offspring named Marduk (to be presumed to be Leonardo... how offspring got mixed up with spouse I dunno... part of the myth I guess) killed her and built the planet and sky out of her body.
With that, here it stands, Driantis. You will rarely ever hear it called Neo-Driantis because to many have forgotten the old realm and the fact that it too was named Driantis. Dragons can be found everywhere within the realm of Driantis and also Faeries too. Those are the only two magical creatures that were created in this realm. All other creatures were brought here from outside realms and are normally pets of those who serve the royals within Driantis. Although there have been some who have gotten loose into the wilderness of Driantis and are constantly hunted down and either killed or sent back to their respectfull realms.

AOL Group for Tanris