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Hey everyone! I'm Silver MoonWolf, and this is my site about my new baby boy!!
I'm a learning Wicca and I live in Central Mississippi.
But enough about me, this site is for my precious new little boy.
If you would like to learn more about me, you can click on the "About Me" button below.
Now on to my bundle of joy....=O)
His name is Draven Anthony, and he was born on September 21st, at 8:46 pm.
He weighed in at 5 lbs 11 oz. and he was 18 3/4 inches long.
Click on the photo button to see some of his pictures. I hope to have more soon.
I also have other things on this site, like some of my poetry, and links, and stuff like that.
I am competing in the site fights, so you can click on the "vote" link and check out my voting page.
Maybe if you like my site, you can even cast a vote for me there!!
Take a gander around, and don't forget to sign my guestbook and tell me what you think!!

And if you'd like to contact me, here are three ways:

Vote for me!!

I'm also Spirit Shinning Silver for A DRAGON'S TALE!!

Draven's Realm is proud to be a part of Ladies of the Heart!!

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