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HeY sUp PeOpLeS...

JuSt UpDaTiNg yOu GuYz oN NeWs

ReCeNtLy I hAVe BeEn ReAL BuSy....BuT JuSt 2 LeT u GuYz KnOw

YoU cAn CaTcH me aT mY NexT EvEnT

wHiCh  iS A DaNcE HeLd aT eLmWoOd PaRk,

tHe VFW BeHiNd tHe FiReHoUsE, On ApRiL 18th, 2003.

i'M GoIn tO OpEn uP SpRiNg BrEaK tHe WaY iT sHouLd....CRAZY!!!!!!

sO SwInG bY aNd SuPpOrT mE. ThaNx



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