DJ 2000   Dance eJay  

Hello. Here's my music page. Throughout the last few years or so, I actually got creative with my music proggy's - be that Dance eJay special edition or DJ2000, here you will find music created by me.

DJ 2000 Top

Here are some songs that I created using DJ 2000™.
(Even though these were exported on 23 December 2003, these were created within the last few years or so)

The following song is called 'Barney Time' which is a tribute to Half Life™. I'm a big fan of Half Life. I've played the original and Opposing Force™ and I must've downloaded about 700MB+ of Single Player mods. Thatz right, I'm a FREAK! :-P

Song Title: Barney Time
Created: 15th July, 2002
Download: BarneyTime.mp3

Dance eJay Top

Here are some songs that I created using Dance eJay Special Edition™.
(Even though these were exported on 23 December 2003, these were created within the last few years or so)

The following songs are songs that I created in my spare time. The first song I ever created was Starz. This is version 2, which is just an extended version of the original. Even though it's just pre-samples and loops, I think it's a cool song, especially my first song EVER!:-)

Song Title: Starz(v2)
Created: 9th June, 2000
Download: Starzv2.mp3

Pulis was the next song I created. I felt I might have some actual talent for creating songs but now I see I'm just a
pre-sample/loop whore :-(

Song Title: Pulis
Created: 14th June, 2000
Download: Pulis.mp3

I didn't really do anything constructive for about a year. I mucked around trying to put loops together and stuff and the following two songs were born!

Song Title: Gangsta Trippin'
Created: 16th June, 2001
Download: GangstaTripping.mp3

Song Title: Sunset Track
Created: 16th June, 2001
Download: SunsetTrack.mp3

As time goes on, I will create some new songs. I also have Music 2000™ but I haven't really done anything with it yet. In time, I will create some time. ;-)

BTW, if you like these songs, make a comment @ the comment page!

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