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Cobolobo Shee Haw!

D.C. has finally gone GLOBAL!

December 17, 2002
Finals are this week so the site won't be updated continually this week.
But during Winter Break...MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS!
December 18, 2002
Three Finals down, four more to go. Woohoo! I finally got our logo up and running.
Noodles even got it to look all UFO-ish. More to come soon!
January 1, 2003
Happy New Year!
January 13, 2003
Wow...It's a while since I last updated. Vacation's over and the new semester has started.
News Flash! Our logo is more of a centipede as opposed to a caterpillar, so Schmoe is redrawing it.
He's also drawing so *cough* interesting *cough* pictures that have to do
with a huge caterpillar and half naked anime chicks.
February 11, 2003
Ok, ok, ok. So I haven't updated in awhile. So shoot me (don't take that seriously Chinampas).
Schmoe is being a slacker lately, so we are going to keep our current logo. There's a possibility that
I (Nibbles) might be moving to Sacramento. So I will keep ya'll posted.
Novcemboctopril 79, 1234 b.c. (this means February 18, 2003)
Schmoe a.k.a. Chia Pet wants me to update so I am. I have nothing to say. So....yeah. I have this great idea for a new Chia Pet. You pee on it and it grows yellow hair and green warts where it's balls should be. Obviously, this Pet is in the shape of a wombat!

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It's happy music! Enjoy it or turn it off!