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In order to explain who I really am and where I hale from, I need to go back in time a bit. Well quite a bit actually. This may come as a shock to a lot of you. There is a God! I will say it again, there is a God. I know this to be explicitly true. Most of the brouhaha you hear about him is true. One thing that isn't true is that he is not all forgiving and as you read you will find there is other things about him that is not true. I suppose the last thing you wanted to hear was a religion lecture, and you are entitled to not get one. But I must tell you this, so you will understand where I am from. A long ass time ago before man infested this once beautiful place called Earth. there was us. Angels. Many of them, along side God. Things were good then. Alls I did was fly around and look down from the sky and make him happy, or try to at least. I had a name, my name hasn't always been what it is now. I wish not to say it though. For my own reasons. On a side note, yes there is a Devil as well. I knew him in his Angelic state, before he was castled into hell. But anyways... I always looked to please him. And he and I were tight. One day he decides to make another type of being, in his own image. That being was Man. As angels we all had our own thing to look over. Kind of like our own calling. Mine was happiness. I was in charge of keeping happiness in order. Once he made man, one of my brethren was to look over them. He then spent all of his time with my Brethren, watching him and not giving much of us other angels the time of day. This angered me. The more I thought about it, the more it angered me. So one day I started thinking, what could I do to get his attention back on me instead of him. Bout the same time Lucifer came to me and was unhappy of his lack of attention as well. But he had other plans, He wanted to over throw him and asked me to join in with him. I declined. He told me that I was making a grave mistake. When he (Lucifer) was in charge of heaven, He said that I would pay for not joining him. I just shrugged it off knowing that it would never work anyways. I knew that he wasn't powerful enough to over throw Gods kingdom. I was right. He tried and was banished into Hell. I thought this would be the perfect time to spread my happiness onto him. I was actually delighted that Lucifer had tried. This was the perfect opportunity. But what could I do to please him? More than man had pleased him anyways. Then it hit me. I would make a shrine on Earth in his own name. So I hoped offal my cloud and floated down to earth and began making it. As soon as I was done, my brethren seen what I was doing and decided he would take credit for it. I got back to heaven to present it and that’s when I seen it. God was happy. Very Happy. Him and my brethren were standing there looking down. I was wondering what had made Him so happy and approached them. That’s when I heard Him say that the shrine was perfect and patted my brethren on the back. I started to think maybe he had made him one as well, until I looked down and seen that it was in fact my shrine he was taking credit for!! I was furious and said that he was lying! That it was mine. God just shook his head and asked why I would make up suck a story. I tried telling Him I wasn't making it up. But He wouldn't listen. He said "You know that none of my angels would lie to me." I then said "So you are saying that I am lying?" becoming even more furious. "I am an angel as well, and you just said that we do not lie." This was the kicker.... he said "I am extremely disappointed in you, I do not like being lied to. You need to go and think about what you have done, and need to do it soon. You need to think what you can do to make it back up to me. I grow more angry with the lie every moment that passed." I was devastated. I flew off and went to think about what to do. The same thought kept entering my head. Kill him. He lied and I got in trouble for it. Kill him! KILL HIM!!! I went for about a month thinking it over and over. I knew that if I did, that I would be banished into Hell with Lucifer, but figured it would be worth it. I was made to look like a fool! And he needed to pay for it.

Finally one morning I decided to do it. I went down to earth and gathered some metals and began forging a blade. I knew that just an ordinary blade wouldn't kill an Angel, so I went to see someone who could curse the blade for me. By this time the earth was very populated with people. God had already made his son and he had been killed. One day in heaven is like a half a year on Earth. Anyways... I found an old woman who studied Black Magic and assured me that the blade would kill any being I stabbed with it. I paid her a measly 3 gold pieces for it and went back to my home in Heaven. I waited till the next morning and went to see him. I pulled the blade and stuck it into his stomach. I felt the warmth of his blood begin to flow onto my hand and immediately felt sick. The look on his face was horrific. But I pushed it in further and twisted it and said "Now you will never be able to take credit for my work again." All of a sudden a loud thunderous sound was in the air and there stood God. He wasn't happy with my actions at all. My brethrens limp body fell and the blade was in my hand covered in blood. With the snap of his finger the blade crumbled into a million pieces and He began to yell at me. He asked how I could do such a thing, and by then I couldn't help it. I yelled back "HE STOLE MY SHRINE!! I MADE THAT TO PLEASE YOU, AND WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU CALLED ME A LIER!" He shook his head and said for my actions I would pay, and pay dearly. By this time all of the angels was standing around me in a circle. Shaking their heads in disgust. He grabbed both my wings and tore them off. I screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. He said I sentence you to spent eternity on earth. And at every moment of your life you will hear every scream that man lets out in pain. Feel every ounce of pain that every man feels and will feel it 100 times fold!. And you will never get rest from it. you will never sleep. And every waking hour, every second you will feel the touchier that man endures. From now until eternity. And he then kicked me offa the cloud and I fell to the ground. I hit the ground hard, Week and in a different form. I landed in the middle of a desert. No one around for hundreds of miles. I crawled behind a rock and laid there. I know not how long I laid there. A couple years at least. I dunno for sure, Maybe even a decade or so.

One day I opened my eyes and stumbled to my feet. The pain of my wings was gone and alls I could hear was screaming. I could hear woman crying out "Please do not kill my children!!!" I looked around but seen no one. I started walking and kept hearing many different voices crying, begging and pleading for their life. I could hear peoples children conspiring to kill their parents, Then could hear their moms screaming in shock as she watched her own kids kill her husband, Their father and then her.

I finally got to a village somewhere on the eastern part of the world. The voices never stopped, And to this day I still hear them. I have since become used to them. Well as use to them as I can anyways. They fuel me. Without them I believe I would finally Die. Not one time since I was forced to earth have I asked for forgiveness. I do not deserve forgiveness.

Since then I have wondered from place to place. And have learned how to travel between realms. I ended up in Wk_Pub one day and there I met someone named DeathWish. He was a chancellor of a promenade Family known as the Vampires of Light. I took a likening to his family, and wished to join them. I met several others as well, Like his wife Pashen and a young vampire named Death-Kiss. I now reside there with them. And do all in my power to uphold their good name. DeathWish offered me the tags of Chancellor assistant. I gladly took them and wear them with pride. I will slay anyone who talks bad or try to harm my family, Without batting an eye. Well that’s it. Kind of of a long story. But now that I think about it, If I had it to do over, I would do the same. I do not regret my actions. I guess all the touchier I endure has made me cold. *Shrugs* Oh well that is just who I am.


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