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Interview with Flavia, guitarist for Drain

This interview taken from the same site.

Name: Flavia Canel

Age: Who knows?

Home: Stockholm, Sweden

References: Some shitty ones

Influences: Lita Ford when I was 13 years, later Dimebag, Toni Iommi

First Gig: With one of those shitty bands, I was 16 years. We played some Runaways covers.

Most Asked Question: How is it to be a girl in a band.

Usual Answer: Fine

Last Book Read: The Sect by Dean R.Koontz

Second Career Choice: Road Racing

Biggest Professional Thrill: Playing with Dimebag

Worst Gig: I had a couple, like when the monitorsystem blew up. We had to play our hole set without them.

Quote: I rule!

Most Original Distinction: I rule!

Vices: Candy

True Story: I was born

High Point: Chillin' on an island

Low Point: Swedish winter

Fantasy: To own horses

Life Changing Record: "Queens of noise" The Runaways

Local Favorites: Robin

Favorite Movies: Silence Of the Lamb