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Bullcrap, er, Something Other

"The radical left is doing everything they can to destroy the moral fiber of America. They want to do away with the family. I am absolutely persuaded one of the reasons so many lesbians are at the forefront of the pro-choice movement is because being a mother is the unique characteristic of womanhood, and these lesbians will never be mothers naturally, so they don't want anybody else to have that privilege either." - Pat Robertson on the 700 Club, 5-18-93 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

    "In recent centuries, women's sole purpose in our society has been the care of the home and the birthing and rearing children. Women were normally not given control of the home, nor were they allowed to make decisions pertaining either to the home or child. Women were merely considered maids, convenient daycare providers of future male heirs, and guardians of often undesired female children. The task of home care and especially child care are obviously important, valued, and skilled functions within any society, but they certainly do not encompass all of the wonderful abilities and talents women naturally possess.
    Women have been treated as second-class citizens at best, slaves and property at worst. Women have been labeled inferior solely based on their sex. They have suffered the debilitation of twisted superstition and have died horribly as a result. These superstitions led to two of the most heartrending atrocities of our human history, the European and New England witch hunts.
    In many cases, women have been considered worthless, dirty, and foul creatures lacking initiative, desire, and intelligence. The physical fact of a woman's menstruation, once believed to be sacred, now was deemed unclean. Women's bodies, once viewed as a beautiful testament to the awesome mystery of creation, were now deemed mere sexual objects. Women's worth in some cultures was considered less than that of livestock and property. Women became cruelly dominated, stripped of dignity, and were forced into oppressive submission, totally against their own inner longings and abilities. The saddest part of this entire affair is that this behavios was not only condoned, but actually approved, by chuch, government, and the masses." - Lynda Welch(source: Goddess of the North)