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Theories of JadeWolf

JadeWolf’s Theories on Spirit Energy

By Aldareyn JadeWolf

WARNING: the theory presented here are the scrambled thoughts and opinions of the author alone, and in no way have been scientifically or even magickally proven. The author is an authority on concepts such as this, and has a unique understanding of life, but is also just theorizing. Please read with an open mind, and remember that the author is pulling these thoughts out of a scrambled brain, and not proving. Enjoy!

I am sure that anyone reading this knows about energy, be it electricity from a light bulb or kinetic energy emitted by the mind. Everyone has a visual basis for what energy looks like in many different forms. Aikido Kokikai practitioners see Ki energy, or energy that runs through the body centered in the One Point, usually as a form of light that flows from the area just below your naval. Some practitioners of Tai Chi see energy as a flowing substance that runs from Chakra to Chakra. All these are correct; I’m not really here to debate the issue. The fact of the matter is that there are many forms of energy present in the body, the mind, the world around us, and, as the basis of this paper, our spirits.
Let’s begin with the spirit itself. Everything has a spirit. This is not to be confused with the soul; the soul is the nonphysical form of every living thing, so naturally a pencil can’t have one. The wood of the pencil can, but by the time it becomes a pencil this is largely irrelevant, as the wood has already died. The pencil can, however, have a spirit. A spirit is the entity that connects us with everything else in existence. The Wiccans believe that Spirit is the combination of everything in existence, each separate in its purpose to learn a different lesson, but all combined as the lessons are learned. This coincides deeply with my theories, and is a building block for the Spirit energy concept.
As I said, everything has a Spirit. The Spirit is not a nonphysical form, as the soul, nor is it a mental energy as kinetics. Although it can be considered the body’s energy, same as Ki and Chi concepts, this does not exactly fit. Spirits are the energetic representation of life. The Spirit, as the Wiccan beliefs go, learns in life (and in death, many think). Therefore, everything in existence is there to learn something. Let’s go back to the pencil concept. The pencil has a Spirit, so it is here to learn something, yes? Now there are millions of pencils in existence, so simply existing as a pencil has probably already been learned. However, if I break this pencil, I can easily say that it existed to learn what it is like to be broken this way. This can go as far as I like it, and get as complicated as I want it, but this is really just the basis of another Theory that I will get into later. For now, suffice it to say this is another building block.
In order to exist and be conscious enough to learn something, some form would have to inhabit this shape. The pencil cannot learn as a husk. Well, it can, but it would need a Spirit in order to learn it, otherwise it would not learn; it would simply do, wouldn’t it? The form is usually a type of energy, one that so far has not been fully tapped. That energy is the Spirit. Because we have not learned yet, as a mass, what our Spirits exactly are, we have not been able to tap it’s full potential. In that case, we have not learned everything we have to learn, and life goes on. A bit religious I admit, but true to this theory nonetheless.
We have, however, tapped our Spirit energy at least partially. Think on it. Past life memories, we would not have them if we did not have SOME mode of thought that remembers them. The Soul could explain this, but in that regard the Soul is the physical representation of the life you are in now, therefore it would shift completely when one life ended and another began. On that concept the Soul would not have the memories intact, as it would have to remain at least partially in its original form. The Spirit, however, does not shift or change as it enters one life or another. It enters that life in order to learn, and when it is done with that life it has learned, and moves on to another lesson. In order for it to move on to another lesson, it would have to retain what it has previously learned.
Another theory is religion. Most of us were brought up to believe in some god and goddess or another, or some form of Higher Power. Again, coming back to the Wiccans, it is a general thought that the Lord and Lady are the male and female representations of Spirit, created the opposite yet the same as a balance and as another lesson. Their belief is that ALL gods and goddesses are the Lord and Lady, or representations of Spirit, seen in different ways and aspects to different people in order to perceive their existence.
In these ways the energy can be tapped, but no one has ever gone beyond them. There are all sorts of small taps and concepts, but no one has ever gone for the larger picture. This is largely due to a misunderstanding. People, including master magick users, often confuse Spirit energy with the other energies. In that respect the Spirit energy can never be fully felt, as it is mixed with the other energies. This creates a mess of things regarding the Spirit energy, but it also creates a fuel for the other energies. Say an elementalist decides to light a candle. This is generally done, in the nonritualistic form, by drawing in the heat around you and concentrating it all into one spot (the candle wick). But, in order to manipulate the heat, you must mix energies. One part mental energy to guide, one part Ki to concentrate, and three parts elemental energy as the base. However, as is usually the case, a certain amount of Spirit energy is concentrated into the mixture on accident. This not only boosts everything else, it also ties the effect to you, as well as binds the mixture.
Think of it this way. The three kinds of energy used are totally different. In order to work them in harmony, you need ”glue”. The Spirit energy acts as an energetic adhesive to the three other forms, as it is the base of everything in existence. I submit that the energy itself flows in everything. It does not have a grand form, nor is it a simple concept alone. It is in everything everywhere. The simple fact that it is perceived on an unconscious level demands the thought that it exists. If we can tap it, and understand it, then we can understand everything in existence. Essentially, we return to becoming part of the One. This, also, is a theory of mine that again I will get into later. As it stands, I believe that when we have finished learning in this life, we momentarily become part of the All. In this we have a unique understanding of everything we have learned so far. This, also, would mean that on an instinctual level we have an understanding of Spirit itself. If we but look hard enough, we can understand.