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Can you handle death?
This is our homepage, here you can find links to the character page and home pages of the two head kingdoms.
Also contests, prizes, and special updates are listed here.
I hope you are enjoying the guild.
High ranks in the guild and important and need to be filled with ACTIVE members, if I feel you are not active enough i will remove your character. To see all nobility, house heads, warriors, and citizens go to the character page. To see what ranks are open, also go to the character page.

Open Postions
Neo-mail nights_child or Apply in guild if on council
1.Louvain General- These people will be on the council of the guild. Each choosen by the head of L and R. These people need to be active, supportive and work well with others.
The rest of the ranks are on the character page!


Setting- Realm of Dragons

Main Kingdom of Current Ruler- King Elistar, Kingdom Heavan

Status of Kings Health-Living, very weak, migrains, the queen has taken over for the day

Weather- Cloudy, a shower during the night. Full moon for the week

As you walk to the central city of heavan you catch a glimpse of the huge castle the king and his queen live. You turn to the north and see in the distants anoher castle. It is heavily guarded, a bit smaller than the first castle. It is a white cream color with a dragons keep, training arena and more. You turn to the south and see another castle. Same size as the white one, this castle is grey and a light mist seems to hang over it. It also has a dragons keep and training arena etc.

The White castle belongs to the city of Louvain.
They are one of the two kingdoms who wait for the king to pass on.
They want complete rule over the Dragon Realm and want to overthrow the evil and greedy queen, take over the kingdom and lead it into a golden age of prosperity and power.

The grey castle belongs to the city of Rochester, the second of the two powers.
Power on their minds, they have taken favor with the queen and her greedy ways.
Promised to protect her when the king dies and let her share the throne with their leader, they will destroy the Louvainians and extend their kingdom into the most holy of all dragons homes, the "Realm of the Dragons".


Character Page