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Name: Aaliyah Syndel
Age: 25
Eye Color: Jade Green
Hair Color: Golden Blonde
Race: Dryad
Mate: Dramar Treverra
Children: None
Father: Lord Sejast Sidonia
Mother: Lady Pandsala Syndel
Siblings: Silvara Ace

I long for peaceful slumber, When the spinning of my mind ceases,
No longer diverting the pursuit of pleasure.
I wait impatiently, Lonely for another's touch,
Until I dream once again.
That place beyond is where you find me, I am forever there,
drunk with anticipation, Writhing, ready.
Pervasion, The surging passion of union,
Divine intoxication; Is it ecstasy or madness?
Goddess, granting secret desires,
With deathless lips I call out breathless, "Release me from this exile."
Pierce deeply with a sword, Bring me forth into the dawn,
To be scorched by the blazing sun, made One.
But alas, day again, memories fleeting, Logic banished me; he is king of Day, Contemplating the loss of his empire.
Only when Night and Day, unite And reign together as One,
Will there be peace in my tormented land.


Little is to tell of Aaliyah's childhood. She spent it much the same as her older sister Silvara had. Living on their father's manor. Lord Sejast died when the girls were still young, killed by a band of robbers. Her mother was a cold and aloof creature, only caring about social standings and money. When her father passed away leaving large debts in his passing, Aaliyah's mother sold everything and moved them into town to live as commoners.

Her mother attempted to marry her sister Silvara off to a old cruel Lord whom had taken a fancy to her. Having nothing to do with such, wishing only to marry to one whom she loved, Silvara fled her home. Distraught, Aaliyah soon followed, having nothing to keep her there. She joined her sister in the land of Cain and tried to build a life there. She met Demetrius Aensland whom fell in love with her immediately. Soon after she gave into her heart's desires and agreed to become his wife.

Due to a tragic events Demetrius vanished from Cain suddenly. Aaliyah waited for many weeks until she felt doubt in her heart, thinking he changed his mind and no longer wanted her. Heartbroken she packed up all she had and left Cain for a long time. Having no other way to feed and cloth herself she settled in a sprawling town many miles from Cain and became a dancer to make her way through the hard times. She trained also and became very proficiant with the use of blades, since such was necessary for a woman of her profession.

She had nothing to do with men, fearing her heart to be wounded once again. Through the insistant letters of coaxing from her sister Aaliyah in time finally gave in and moved back to Cain to be with her, even though it was very hard to endure the memories. Distant and untrusting of any she spent most her time within the forest, listening to the whispers of the trees. She felt more at home there than anywhere. Her own tree rested hidden deep within the woodlands far from harm. In time she opened her guarded heart to a select few that came into her life. A werecat named Murphy came to be her closest friend in her darkest times. Helping her through it all with his patience and kindness, giving her a place to truly call home as well. In time he asked her to be his wife and Aaliyah happily accepted.

Sadly more dark times were to come for Aaliyah. Having troubles in his homeland Murphy left Cain without a word to Aaliyah a week before they were to wed, leaving her to think he had abandoned her or was dead. Months later he returned and swore he would never leave her side again. Yet in time that promise proved to be empty and false. Murphy again vanished from Cain, having yet to ever return. Heartbroken once again she kept to the forest and her tree for many months, leaving behind the cabin Murphy had built for her, letting the wood overtake it. It was just to painful to look upon for her.

After many long months of solitude and seclusion Aaliyah eventually began to wander back among others of her clan, and those who frequented the local pub. Wary of being hurt again she would not allow anyone to grow too close to her with the exception of a small few she called friends. Time slipped past slowly and Aaliyah drifted through it with no direct purpose, tending to her wood's as she always had and jumping in and out of short lasting relationships. No man could seem to capture this nymph's heart and hold it. Until she met Dramar Treverra, the marriage itself short lived.

To be continued.