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"Hello everyone, I am Kokutan Enzeru. I've been sipping my tea, trying to figure out if I should tease you by saying soon enough chapter oen of our story will be up,or if I should please and give you it, even though it's not been checked for grammer. SO I thought I'd give you a little bite of it, since I haven't checked it all, and most likely, the tidbit will have errors as well. Oh well. Mayhap you will all enjoy the bit. It will introduce me and my friends, and you will hear about the temple we live at. Perhaps that is enough? I hope so."
"Oh, Koku-Chan, stop being so mean! Why can't you put up the whole first chapter?"
"Because Akari, it would ruin their chances of reading it when it is corrected.Why don't you go summon some spirits or something."
"I Akari Enzeru, will not listen to this prattle the attacks my ability to summon spirits!"
*Kokutan Enzeru promptly ties up her little sister*
"Now, Akari, you know I wouldn't insult you.Now, everyone, please go to the Libary. I will be there waiting..."
"Kokutan! Kokutan, untie me!"

The Library
