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Welcome to my page!Browse around the site, it is the only site about me around!!
- Holly Webmaster


Yeah so it's been one of those days..Well make that lives. But I'm not going to get into the whole life comment. But today..Hmm my day started off with my kids screaming at eachother as they were fighting over a barbie doll. What a way to wake up..Oh and then while I was cleaning the kitchen, Dianna my youngest decided that it would be fun to dump one of my bottles of nail polish on the floor. Thank God I went to check up on her. Grrr...She actually had to climb up on shit to get to my nail polish. So yeah needless to say I wasn't the happiest person in the world.

On a brighter note.. My husband called today.. Haven't talked to him since the Navy made him go to Gibraltor for 4months last friday. So I was happy to hear from him. But of course he has to ruin our phone call by telling me that he might actually be gone for 6months instead of 4..*sigh* Oh well the Navy sucks..