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The Legacy

The Legacy Forum on Delphi

Go To The Legacy Forum!

The Legacy Forum and Chat Room is a place
for people of like mind to meet, create
wonderful memories and form lasting
friendships. I hope to see you

Forum Owner

The Legacy Forum and Chat Guidelines

*No Stupid People Yeah, I know this seems pretty harsh, but I have to be honest with ya. I can't stand stupid people. As it is my forum, it is my rules. If you are stupid, find someplace else to go.

*Age There is no formal age restriction at The Legacy. However, it really isn't a playground, either. If you are under 18 and haven't gained my consent for you to hang out there, don't be suprised to find yourself banned. I deal with my own kids all day long. I will not deal with someone else's brats in my sanctuary.

*No Proseletyzing The majority of this forum is Pagan, but all faiths are welcome. I ask that you do not come here to preach or try to convert us. We know our path, we have heard all the arguments, we aren't going to change. Please respect our choices and we will respect yours.

*No Spam Spam is posting unsolicited links to other sites. It is extremely rude. If you desire to share a site, you are welcome to email me and ask if you may post it.

*No Harrassing Other Members If I see any harrassing or threatening posts, the poster will be immediately banned from The Legacy.

*Flame Wars I do not encourage flaming, but I do understand that some conversations will get heated. I will usually ask each side to knock it off before I resort to drastic measures, but I am not making any promises. If I see a problem that probably will not be resolved too easily, I will gag and/or ban as needed.

*Vulgarity The Legacy is aimed at adults. I do not censer any words. If strong language bothers you, go elsewhere.

*No Trolling Trolls are people who are out looking to cyber-sex. No Age/Sex/Location checks, either.

*No whining The Legacy is ran by a strong and intelligent group of hosts. Women I trust. If you mess up and get a warning, don't bitch about it. It'll be the last thing you do at Legacy.

Forum & Chat Hosts