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*sUper NAd* // profile // guestbook // reviews // events

StAr // ÉtOile


Name: Nadia
Age: 14
Location: U.S.A
Hobbies: Shopping, hanging with buds and cousins, eating, sleeping...
Expertise: hating xanga... hope they don't find this website!!

My abc's

*reach for the starz*

*MaH BloGRinGs*


illusi0niz`d by » PePPaMinT
no joCkaz wanted © 2oo2



feelin`» lazzy.. not lazy... duble z.

This is my disclaimer- I made this site to have fun basically. I don't really care if many people visit it, or if its the best on the net. I took this skin from xanga, and I linked the creative and amazing girl who made this. I have to admit that I am A copier, and I don't really care. it sounds bad, but to me i'm just making a personal website just to teach myself some html. cuz i kno nothing about it. Its really funny because I never spend time on this site. I only check it like once a month so sorry if its so old and boring, but I doubt any of you people care bcuz no one visits it at ALL. d'accord? au revoir mes amis.
u p d a t e s
•honor roll added please check out one of the side tables
•for a personal blog, check out the daily link above the updates
•looking for more sister sites, and partners. ex: partner is fun, partner in fame, partner in luck.
•for "me" content check out the first table.

•a way to contact me is to sign the guestbook, email or message board.
•no one is signing the guestbook! Now if you are a visitor please just check in!! I promise I will visit your page and if it's HOTT then I will even link you cuz I have done that for a lot of people!!

•changed my blog to xanga. its the periwinkle version of my layout. It Rox!!!!!!!
email me for advice as well...

care to look >>