After awhile,we pulled away from eachother.I smiled gently at him,as he wiped my tears away with his thumb.
"Did you tell anyone yet?"I asked him.
"Only the guys.."He whispered.
I nodded.
"You gonna tell the girls?"I asked.
He shrugged,with his answer,then added
"In time.."
I squeezed his hand,then walked back into my room,to change into my bathing suit.As I put it on,and looked at myself in the mirror,I couldnt help but look at how thin I had gotten.My ribs poked through,not too much,but enough to make me sick by looking at them.I sighed,and grabbed a towel off the bed,wrapping it around me.I walked out the room,and down the hall.I moved to the side,as Nick fallowed Crazy down the hall.
"Can we use your bedroom for a second?"Nick asked.
I raised my eyebrow at him.
"No..we just need to talk.."Crazy said.
"Oh..ok..sure"I said,and walked out the back doors to the pool.
"Wheres Nick?"Brian asked,inside the pool,Heather up on his shoulders.
"Hes talking to Crazy,in my room"I said,climbing up the stairs.
"Oh ok..good"He said.
AJ looked at me from the deck.
"You alright?"He asked me,as I passed by him,to put my towel over the side of the rail.
"Yea.."I said,then walked up to him."I just had alittle talk with Howie,and ..ya know"
"Did everything go smoothly?"He asked.I nodded,as I climbed down the water,into the pool.
"Did what go smoothly?"Melissa asked,curious.
"Nuttin"AJ said.
Melissa looked at him,then me. "Dont be so nosey"Kevin said,grinning at her,as he wrapped his arms around her.
Kevin had a pretty good guess what we were talking about,because of being the older one,he always listened into the conversations,to make sure everything was alright.He also knew about Howie.
"Wanna play chicken?"Brian asked me.
"With who?"I asked back.
"You and AJ,against me and Heather"He replied.
"Nope sorry,I would get knocked off rather quickly"I said.
"Whys that?"Brian asked. " only 102 pounds"I said.
"Oh."He said.
"Sorry"I shrugged,and hopped up on a float,laying down on it.
I closed my eyes,and fealt myself drifting off to dream land. When I awoke,it was to hands shaking me gently. "Stephanie..Steph.."A raspy voice called out,in a whisper.
I opened my eyes to see that the sun had gone down almost all the way. "Why didnt you wake me up earlier?"I groaned.
"You looked so peaceful"AJs voice whispered back.
"I could have been dead"I joked,but no laugh or smile came from AJ.
He looked at me,almost with a angry look,because of what I had just said.
"Sorry..."I mumbeled,and closed my eyes.
I fealt myself drifting between two worlds,and then I fealt myself tipping over,falling into cold water.My eyes shot open,and I surfaced,staring coldly at AJ.
"THAT wasnt funny"I said as he laughed.
"C'mon Steph..Lets go skinny dipping"He said,grinning.
I laughed at him,shaking my head.As I started to walk towards the ladder,he took my hand,and pulled me back to him.
"About..when I kissed you.."He started.
I put my finger to his lips.
"It was just us getting..caught up in the moment"I said,and shrugged.
He let my hand go,and I started to walk away again.
"But it wasn't!"He exclaimed.
"But it was for me"I said softly,and climbed out.
I took my towel,and wrapped it around me,then walked down the ladder,and back towards the house.