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  Online Profile

  I created this site to promote and test my skills in website design and development to prospective employer at the same time to keep in touch with family, friends and colleagues.

  This site has been created using Macromedia Dreamweaver and Swish 2.0 with the help of my knowledge in HTML which is the basic foundation in creating website I have managed to come up with this design for now.

  I'm still new in website design and development so I need to explore more and learn some through research that you cannot just design a website you need to consider a lot of things like browser compatibility, load time, etc., I hope I have comply on some of those area.

Button Info

ABOUT ME - personal history, family background and others...

RESUME - personal information, work experience, educational achievement, skills, and training

LINKS - favorite links and my most frequently visit site.

GALLERY - pictures of me, myself, family and friends. (under construction)

PORTFOLIO - my masterpiece in website related site but its still coming soon.


GUESTBOOK - Visitors, please post some short messages what do you think of my site (nice or what?).

DXN HEALTH PRODUCTS - Are you health conscious then DXN health products is just for you. Guaranteed and tested in improving your health. For more info you may click the DXN button. Thanks.

* * * * *

* This site still under constructions please bear with me. This site was created last December 12, 2001.

* Site last update was on Feb. 07 2002, Gallery, Portfolio and DXN are still in under construction.

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it. ~ Lou Holtz ~

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