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CPRS Pledge

"To walk in the ways of LIGHT following the guidance of our Gods;

To maintain personal and organizational integerity and honor;

To treat all with respect and kindness;

To remain loyal to our guild and its members;

To remain true to ourselves and walk in ways of truth;

To seek good in all things, to this we eternally pledge ourselves . "

Code of Conduct

Members of the Circle of the Perfect Rose & Staff shall at all
times conduct themselves in such a manner as to bring Honor
and Respect upon themselves and the Circle.

At no time shall any member of the Circle be involved, by
word or deed, in scamming, stealing form another,
misrepresentation, or the selling of the gifts from the Gods for profit.

Members of the Circle shall treat all with whom they come
into contact with respect, regardless of ones alignment,
association, or membership in any Clan or Guild.

Members of the Circle shall at no time, by action or word
do anything that shall cause dishonor or disrespect upon the Circle.

Members of the Circle shall assist others when ever
it is within their means to do so.

Members of the Circle shall be loyal to themselves,
the Circle and the Gods whom they serve.

Members shall conduct themselves appropriately in
guild channel. Respecting others comments, views, and
get to know others through interaction to form
a more close knit family.

Members shall in guild hunts, listen too and follow the
direction of the team leader, to better ensure their own
safety and of all those grouped.

Members of the Circle shall in no way be PVP active.
That includes Orders within the Circle.
Occassionally during an event for fun or a sparring tourney this is allowed.



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