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1.) One group leader is appointed to lead the hunt and orders the strategy.
Normally in consultation with his/her team-mates.

2.) Before moving into any battlefield, the team leader always checks
to ensure that everyone on the team is battle ready.
Usually by sending the double sword sign ( alt shift - )

3.) Team members watch out for each other, healing whenever
nessacary so that none may die in battle.

4.) All conversation while hunting takes place in the room
tab screen, so that important battle information is not missed.

5.) One person of each hunting group picks up all treasure. (aka mules)
After the hunt is over its sold and split equally among the members of
the group. If a special item is found which is needed by a team member,
he/she may take it; if items are found that could be useful for new players
or spare items, they will be set aside and stored in our storage house
overseen by our Castellan.


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