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< Alpha Mensae and the Mensan Archipelago

Alpha Mensae and the Mensan Archipelago


ã The Millennial Project The city of More near the equator of Atlantis. The early cities on the planet were based on their terran ancestors. Later cities and settlements were even more ambitious

By the mid 21st century a multitude of viable worlds had been discovered from observation by many of the known civilisations, most notably the Humans.

Alpha Mensae is a G5 class main sequence star 33.1 light years from Earth. Two gas giants (later renamed Rikkman and Rothschild Giant) had already been discovered around the star by the time the viable world of the system was revealed.

Alpha Mensae c (named using the old pre-Standard designation) revealed itself to be an oceanic world. Spectroscopic analysis showed that the surface of the world was mostly if not totally ocean with a small amount of free oxygen belched out by a few volcanoes.

A lack of any stable dry land and Alpha Mensae’s distance put off most plans for colonisation but a relativistic probe was sent to the system in 2124AD to study the viable planet which by then had acquired the name "Atlantis" after the fabled human island that was alleged to have fallen beneath the sea.

By the time the Cousteau at its destination a new and quite influential sub-culture had established itself on Earth. Since the start of the Information Age humans had started to colonise the last great wilderness on Earth, its oceans. By the mid 21st century the population of the oceans had grown from a few mostly automated industrial facilities and micro-nations surviving on old oil rigs and disused oil tankers to a prosperous ocean based society of city ships ( mostly full of geriatrics seeing out their last few decades in luxury) artificial island communities (including some Pacific nations that found their original homelands under water by now) and manned undersea company towns exploiting the treasures of the deep for the world at large.

For this eclectic mix of sea-dwellers Atlantis wasn’t such an uncomfortable prospect, in reality they would just be swapping one ocean existence for another. Also fuelling the colonisation debate was the increasing amount of meteorological chaos churning up the seas.

After the Great Pacific storm of 2103 AD (in which the micro-nation of New Tuvalu sank beneath the waves claiming almost 2500 lives) and in 2134 AD Hurricane Ernest (which threw the three kilometer long city-ship of SS Buena Vista into the very heart of Miami Beach killing 1200) people it was agreed that Earth was turning nasty.

Using the vast resources of the ocean floor a foundation was set up to colonise Atlantis with all the nations and cultures of the sea. The foundation’s aims and protocols where signed at Titanic View , an underwater city in which visitors could view the floodlit remains of the Titanic.

A Near Earth Asteroid was purchased to be used as base material for a relativistic colonial fleet in 2147 AD.Around the same time the far off Cousteau had proved Atlantis to be a most inviting world, as long as you didn’t mind getting wet. Things would have been rosy for the "Titanic Foundation" had it not got itself embroiled in a bitter dispute over claim rights over the rich deposits on the abyssal plains under the North pole between Ellesmere Island and Franz Josef land.

Both Canada and the Russian Federation claimed part ownership of the area but a group of Oceanic corporations and independent homesteaders mostly from Newfoundland and the North Atlantic Economic Structure had already settled the region with three major underwater settlements (with a combined population of 200,000 living in the frigid darkness.)

When legal proceeding failed both Canada and the Russian Federation appealed to other NATO members to back their attempts to flush out the claim jumpers, saying the "merpeople" as they were called were engaged in illegal technology production and drug running.

Some of them were (most notably in genetics and nano-industries that had been banned on Earth) but for the others such a threat was not to be taken lightly and a series of skirmishes ensued. Only the harsh environment of the area stopped a few scale war breaking out and in return for more than generous trade rights and co-operation in closing down the illegal activities the Oceanics were left alone.

This incident convinced some that it really was time to leave the stormy and corrupt mother planet and head for new seas elsewhere.

In 2152 the Challenger left behind the debris of its construction and head off for Alpha Mensae with a population of almost half a million (quite an event for the time.) Its configuration was pretty standard (despite its size) for relativistic colony ships of the time were it not for the large amount of aquatic habitats carved out of the rock and metal. It also brought with it quite a respectable stock of oceanic life-forms to bring to the new world despite protests from the more Green members of the Titanic Foundation that terran lifeforms would have an adverse effect on the already varied creatures of Atlantis.

When the Challenger arrived some 35 years later it immediately went about colonised Atlantis. Small start-up colonies literally splashed-down into the great ocean, the colonists never set foot on dry land until five metric years later and that was just for show.

From those small acorns an Oceanic civilisation grew as larger habitats were constructed out of material at the bottom of the ocean or from small asteroids dropped into the oceans and controlled by diamonoid parachutes so as to lessen the impact on Atlantis (though of course the Greens found this practice appalling and in some cases sailed into the impact zones so the "rock-droppers" had to hastily scratch their plans.)

By the turn of the 23rd century the largest metropolis on Atlantis was Solomon City (and predominantly home to the dispossessed of the Pacific islands) a ten kilometer in diameter floating city tethered to the ocean floor and home to some 350,00 people.

A complex culture had developed by then , based on human maritime traditions both ancient and contemporary. The Atlanteans were a diverse people from the loners sailing the deep oceans on their computer controlled sail-boats farming the seas for the exotic fish-analogues to the metropolitan inhabitants of the largest surface-cities (constantly in touch with the universe at large) to those that chose to live on the ocean floor and developing some new kind of human able to operate under the great pressures of the sea and breathe underwater ( a lot of aquatic-adapted members of the Genevogue later, came from this world and where behind the colonisation of Venice.)

It was Alpha Mensae’s close proximity to the Alueian System that brought the first major outsystem influx at the start of the 23rd century. Despite being 13 light years away Alpha Mensae was ignored by both the Eses and the Irodians for its lack of dry land on Atlantis as well as the presence of the human colony which until greater understanding between the humanoid species of the region put off any attempts.

It was mostly the Eses who took to the world, the transition from a subterranean lifestyle to a sub-aquatic lifestyle was quite smooth and Ese had a number of similar Oceanic cultures to Earth developing on the crowded homeworld. They mostly settled in the dark undersea cities rather than the surface settlements, a lack of constant sunlight not being an issue for them. In fact the Eses’ ability to see ultraviolet and infra-red wavelengths as well as their fluorescent markings provided a positive boon to the Atlanteans at the bottom of the sea, especially during the Cruise Valley disaster of 2223 AD which won the Eses much esteem with the humans.

The next wave of immigrants came from nearby Beta Hydri. Ever since the Novagens won their freedom in the courts some of the cetacean uplifts (neodolphs, neowhales etc…) wanted a clean start in another system away from the prejudice and history of Eldorado. Atlantis suited them perfectly, the oceanic cultures would provide plenty of opportunity for the cetaceans and their aquatic lifestyle.

At first some groups of Atlantian society viewed the unusual newcomers with suspicion . Some believed that with the cetaceans having the upper hand in being able to move around the planet freely they would take over the world. Others found the idea of a talking Neo-Dolphin with thin little arms able to operate machinery was a mockery of nature. Finally those humanoid beings who had adapted themselves to live underwater felt the cetaceans would make them redundant in the job market ("my aqua-children have to eat!")

An un-adapted Atlantean swims with a group of Neo-Dolphs around the underwater city of Cruise Valley

Still the uplifts were used to most of the prejudice of the humanoids and had long learnt to ignore it or rely on the legal powers of the Novagen Foundation to scare bigots. As expected the Cetaceans provided a great boost to the colony with the Neo-Dolphs doing most of the hard work and having the most contact with the Humanoids (even the most cold-hearted bigot warmed to those beings after prolonged contact.) The Neo-Whales on the other hand preferred to keep to their own, swimming the deep oceans away from the confusing bustle of the cities and their small land-based inhabitants and were employed as scouts, farmers, miners or later on using their enormous brains to assimilate and process various simple but large problems for customers and allies in the system.

New Aqua-cities were designed to accommodate the uplifts, later visitors to the system (with the arrival of warp travel) would often comment there was not a dry spot on the planet as young neo-dolphs splashed about in the transit canals and tubes of metropolises such as Hawaiiville and Sarinder’s Gamble. Humanoid apartments have facilities for visiting cetacean guests and the uplift quarters were designed to be just as welcoming to humanoid visitors. Those humanoids who adapted themselves for life under the sea did find a niche for themselves, as a liaison between the cetaceans and the humanoids, able to operate freely in both environments.

The later half of the 24th century was a time when the various polities of the Alpha Mensae system looked outwards for expansion. Most notable in wanting to expand to other systems were the orbital population of Atlantis (connected to the world via a space elevator tethered to the sea floor and served by Cousteau’s Rise and Titanic High in orbit and the lightly populated but industrially active colonies in the Belt and around the gas giant Rikkman.

Two systems in particular, Beta and Zeta Trianguli Australis at 26 and 22 light years distant from Alpha Mensae attracted the attention of not just the spacers but the Atlanteans. Beta has a Paludial Subtype desert world with one major ocean stretching around the world. Its distance from Sol , the high temperatures of the land surface and lack of any advanced biosphere had left the world untouched except for the Neuman probe that was investigating the system. Zeta had a BathyPelagic Subtype that due to the low metal content of the system and lack of any land, say for low lying islands was again ignored by other parties.

Outposts on the two worlds cataloguing the various life forms and geological processes on the planet gave way to he first colonists by late 2300s. Beta Trianguli Australis II changed its name to Bondi Beach in reference to the few coastal land settlements that were beginning to attract visitors whose idea of a holiday is to roast on a beach all day and drink heavily all night. The twist on Bondi is that aquatic based sentients swim close to the shore to watch the land-lubbers with amused curiosity with occasional gangs of young neo-dolphs launching themselves onto the beaches to disturb the sun-worshippers.

Zeta Tri Australis III also developed a small land based subculture, although not on land per-se but the large icebergs that drift around the vast ocean of the world. The inhabitants of the Bergs have developed a somewhat arctic culture living and working on stilted buildings (every possible measure is taken to avoid melting the berg after some messy accidents in the early days) or in the case of the largest bergs, which can reach the size of a large island , actually living partly in caves carved out of the ice. This is more for aesthetic motives rather than practical, the locals consider the icy hues of their dwelling to be very calming and good for the constitution.

Needless to say these ice houses are able to accommodate aquatic life forms as well though most whose ancestors did not originate from colder seas prefer to wear some thick insulation.

Mensae’s outsystem colonies came to be known as the "Mensan Archipelago." This was not in reference for the term used to describe a loose association of systems linked by slower-than-light travel but more an allusion to the oceanic lifestyle of the region.

Alpha Mensae’s interstellar economy continued to grow to the point where quite a respectful warpship building industry developed. These industries were dominated by the neo-dolphs who unlike their larger cousins, the neo-whales found shipboard life mostly to their taste. Having evolved in a the three-dimensional environment they were excellent navigators and pilots feeling just at home amongst the sea of stars.

One thing the neo-dolphs didn’t like about space travel was the humanoid chauvinism of starship design. Few ship where equipped for handle aquatic species which meant neo-dolphs had to get around using expensive anti-g suits or resign themselves to staying in one part of the ship for the voyage (which to a species who like to have an enormous personal space was not a pleasant option.)

Spearheaded by Aquatic Starships Ltd. a new breed of starship was developed. Based on the asteroid Flipper (named after a late industrial age terran entertainment in which a simple dolphin somehow managed to save the day for its human friends/masters) the Neo-Dolph starships were more suited to the cetacean environment. On the outside a pisciform design was preferred, with fins and smooth streamlining (which at relativistic velocities wasn’t quite the superfluous feature it might seem) and inside the majority of spaces where filled with water or a diluted form of H²0. More modern versions have implemented nanotechnology into the liquid allowing modified crewmembers to interact with the fluid creating useful shapes and tools out of the "water" and even allowing it to be exposed to the vacuum for short periods.

Needles to say any humanoid on these ships is very much at a disadvantage.

The cetacean Starships thrust the Mensan Archipelago into the forefront of the interstellar scene setting up far flung colonies on similar aquatic worlds in community space and forging trade links at first with other Community polities and then with the Galaxy at large, their unique view on technology and culture sometime providing an edge in the market (depending on how small minded the customer ,complaining that their cargo will get wet!)

As the Mensan Archipelago matured its citizens turned their minds (and their wallets) to play. In the mid 25th century wargamers progressed from the virtual to the real. Their favourite game is to re-enact the Cold War on Earth with submarines stalking each other through the cold depths of the ocean. Most subs are replicas of the nuclear powered submarines of the time (bar the dangerous fission reactors) with small additions the gamers find either amusing or would enhance the gameplay.

Some subs are able to reach the ocean floor, protected from the enormous pressure by modern technology. Others employ cetacean uplifts to help their cause (Subgamers are for the most part humanoid) but for some liberal cetacean uplifts this practice is too similar to the use of un-adapted dolphins to clear mines and plant bombs on enemy ships during the 20th century.

Subgamers have become quite an important part of Mensan cultural life, the biggest contests attracting huge audiences as viewers follow their favourite crew in real time as they stalk/hide from their opponents.

In 2567 AD though the Subgamers let things get too far when the crew of the Ivan’s Revenge fired armed torpedoes across the bows of its opponent Lexington in a last ditch attempt to get out of a sticky situation. Using up to date scramblers to hide their actions from the rest of the galaxy they would have almost got away with had the Lexington taken the attack as a personal insult and tried to ram the Ivan before rising to a higher depth and reporting the incident to the authorities.

It was later revealed that the Ivan was involved in an Rasalhague gambling scam that would have earnt millions for the crew and the Alhaguers. Needless to say citizens from the Rasalhague Trading Union are viewed with suspicion whenever there is a big championship on a Mensan world.

Aqua-cars are big business in the Mensan Archipelago taking on all sorts of shapes and sizes to cater to their owner’s taste. By using the technique of Supercavitation these machines can reach supersonic speeds underwater. It is more a matter of taste rather than practicality, the standard gravity drive that is used on most small vehicles throughout known space is able to achieve the same speeds (though is far less effiecent) and has the added bonus of negating the effects of inertia. Also owners of such vehicles now have to deal with militant uplift cetaceans tired of narrowly avoiding death as aqua-cars zip by them at supersonic speeds. For the most part drivers stick to the subaqua highways but every once in while a tradegy occurs which has given rise to organisations such as "The Josiah Blue Memorial Group" and the "Oceanic Liberation Front." Traffic pacification schemes are widespread now, no-one is allowed to drive an aqua-car without autopilot in a built up area or a zone of Feral Cetaceans as well as many speed limits through more sensitive waters. But despite such measures tensions can still flare up such as the manslaughter case on Bondi Beach in 2769 AD where a tourist from Psi Capri under the effects of party drugs killed a young neo-whale who drifted into a highway by accident

The (humanoid) Mensans however like the buzz a supercavitation craft gives them as it kicks in, in much the same as way the Racers of Gamma Ophiuchus .



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