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Mountain's Note Weyr

Last Updated: June 29, 2002
MNW Date: Ouro 11, 1011

     "Welcome," a friendly voice says, "I am T'rilin, watch-rider at Mountain's Note Weyr.  This is my blue, Jyath."  You have just climbed to this remote Weyr that you had heard rumours about, it had been exhausting.  "Would you like a drink?" T'rilin asks offering a flask.  You take it gratefully and start drinking immediately.  "Sorry about having to climb up here," T'rilin apologizes, "Weyrwoman Alyia is trying to put together a wing for looking for candidates and settlers for the Weyr, we recently had an epidemic and our population is a bit depleted.  Junior Weyrwoman Taiya can tell you all about our history if that's what interests you.
     "What else can I look into here?" you ask, just having got your breath back.
     "Weyrleader Z'lar is the one to talk to about the wings, Wingsecond S'mon is in charge of flights, if your dragon is ready to rise or willing to chase.  Headsearchrider Tarymi is looking after Candidate applications, Weyrlingmaster T'ron is watching the approved Candidates, but he's looking for a replacement."  T'rilin smiles, "he's getting old, but don't let him know I said that!" he whispers.  "Weyrwoman Alyia is the one to take any questions you have, I don't think I forgot anyone. . .  Oh yes!  Wrath! he watches Lost Sands, that's where dragons without riders are."

This isn't Jyath's real picture, this is an example of one of our styles of dragons.